Extended ICU Visitation Model Reduces Delirium

Extended ICU Visitation Model Reduces Delirium

In this medical-surgical ICU, an extended visitation model was associated with reduced occurrence of delirium and shorter length of delirium/coma and ICU stay. Two hundred eighty-six patients were enrolled (141 restricted... read more

Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration

Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration

EBUS-TBNA is a safe procedure. The highest complication rate reported is 1.44%. Additionally, the scope damage could be encountered in 1.33% of cases and occasionally the TBNA needle could malfunction. The complications are... read more

Building Critical Care Community Through Twitter Chat

Building Critical Care Community Through Twitter Chat

Twitter chats can be a powerful tool for the widespread engagement of a medical audience. Social media sites such as Twitter can significantly enhance education and advocacy efforts. In 2013, the American College of Chest... read more

COPD Patients Who Live Alone are Less Active

COPD Patients Who Live Alone are Less Active

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who live with a spouse, partner, or other caregiver are more active than patients who live alone, and are also more likely to participate in pulmonary rehabilitation... read more

nutritionDay ICU

nutritionDay ICU

An worldwide prevalence study to determine the nutrition practice in the ICUs and the associated outcome across the world, a yearly 1 day cross sectional audit was performed from 2007 to 2013. This very large collaborative... read more

Worldwide Survey of the ABCDEF Bundle in the ICU

Worldwide Survey of the ABCDEF Bundle in the ICU

The current implementation of the ABCDEF bundle varies across individual components and regions. We identified specific targets for quality improvement and adoption of the ABCDEF bundle. Our data reflect a significant but... read more

Potentially modifiable factors contributing to sepsis-associated encephalopathy

Potentially modifiable factors contributing to sepsis-associated encephalopathy

Acute renal failure and common metabolic disturbances represent potentially modifiable factors contributing to sepsis-associated encephalopathy. However, a true causal relationship has yet to be demonstrated. Our study confirms... read more

External validation of a biomarker and clinical prediction model for hospital mortality in ARDS

External validation of a biomarker and clinical prediction model for hospital mortality in ARDS

Mortality prediction in ARDS is important for prognostication and risk stratification. However, no prediction models have been independently validated. We validated a mortality prediction model for ARDS that includes age,... read more

Validation of the Vasoactive-Inotropic Score in Pediatric Sepsis

Validation of the Vasoactive-Inotropic Score in Pediatric Sepsis

Secondary retrospective analysis of a single-center sepsis registry. Vasoactive-Inotropic Score in pediatric sepsis patients is independently associated with important clinically relevant outcomes including ICU length of... read more

Safety Hazards During Intrahospital Transport

Safety Hazards During Intrahospital Transport

A prospective observational study. Data from participant observations of the intrahospital transport process were collected over a period of 3 months. Findings suggest that intrahospital transport is a hazardous process for... read more

Acute Lung Failure – Our Evolving Understanding of ARDS

Acute Lung Failure – Our Evolving Understanding of ARDS

Since Laennec described the gross pathology of idiopathic anasarca of the lungs in 1821, mortality due to the acute respiratory distress syndrome has been vastly reduced. Yet the poor subsequent condition of ARDS survivors... read more

Most ICU Patients Underfed

Most ICU Patients Underfed

A large international multicentre cohort study shows that most of the patients are underfed during their ICU stay. In their findings published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, researchers say most of the patients in intensive... read more

The Glass Door of the Patient Room

The Glass Door of the Patient Room

Poor communication among health-care providers is cited as the most common cause of sentinel events involving patients. Our goal was to create a novel, easily accessible communication device to improve ICU patient care. Due... read more

Reduction of Laboratory Utilization in the ICU

Reduction of Laboratory Utilization in the ICU

In our academic ICU, there is excess ordering of routine laboratory tests. This is partially due to a lack of transparency of laboratory-processing costs and to the admission order plans that favor daily laboratory test orders.... read more

SOFA Effective Pediatric Version

SOFA Effective Pediatric Version

An age-adjusted version of the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score for sepsis has been found to be at least as good, if not better than, other pediatric organ dysfunction scores at predicting in-hospital mortality.... read more

Hyperventilation Therapy for Control of Post-Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension

Hyperventilation Therapy for Control of Post-Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension

During traumatic brain injury, intracranial hypertension (ICH) can become a life-threatening condition if it is not managed quickly and adequately. Physicians use therapeutic hyperventilation to reduce elevated intracranial... read more

Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU (SUP-ICU)

Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU (SUP-ICU)

Stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) is standard of care in the intensive care unit (ICU), however the quantity and quality of evidence is low and potential harm has been reported. The aim of the SUP-ICU trial is to asses the overall... read more