Recovery after Acute Kidney Injury

Recovery after Acute Kidney Injury

Little is known about how acute kidney injury (AKI) resolves, and whether patterns of reversal of renal dysfunction differ among patients with respect to ultimate recovery. We have identified five distinct recovery phenotypes... read more

The Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Cardiovascular Diseases

The Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Cardiovascular Diseases

The trimethylamine/TMAO pathway likely represents only one of many microbe-dependent pathways that will ultimately be linked to cardiovascular disease pathogenesis, and proven to be an important diagnostic and therapeutic... read more

An Educational Intervention Optimizes the Use of Arterial Blood Gas Determinations Across ICUs

An Educational Intervention Optimizes the Use of Arterial Blood Gas Determinations Across ICUs

The large scale implementation of guidelines for ABG use reduced the number of inappropriately ordered ABG determinations over seven different multidisciplinary ICUs, without negatively impacting patient care. We saw a reduction... read more

Meta-Analysis of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult and Pediatric Patients

Meta-Analysis of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult and Pediatric Patients

Therapeutic hypothermia is a likely beneficial treatment following TBI in adults, improving both neurologic outcomes and decreasing mortality rates. Our work suggests that the optimal management strategy to improve both morbidity... read more

Delirium in Critically Ill Children: An International Point Prevalence Study

Delirium in Critically Ill Children: An International Point Prevalence Study

In this multi-institutional, multinational point prevalence study of 994 subjects, delirium screening by the bedside nurse was feasible in children of all ages. PD was a common complication of critical illness, with a prevalence... read more

Never Stop Caring

Never Stop Caring

I read with interest the piece by Wilson et al regarding their examination of end-of-life care patterns in hospitalized patients on their vascular surgery practice in Oregon. I applaud the authors for examining their practices... read more

Barriers to Regaining Control within a Constructivist Grounded Theory of Family Resilience in ICU

Barriers to Regaining Control within a Constructivist Grounded Theory of Family Resilience in ICU

This paper discusses families' experiences of their interactions when a relative is admitted unexpectedly to an Australian ICU. A grounded theory methodology was adopted for the study. Data was collected between 2009−2013,... read more

Medical Device Interoperability 4.0: Disruptive Innovation for the ICU

Medical Device Interoperability 4.0: Disruptive Innovation for the ICU

Medical Device Interoperability in the ICU did not undergo any significant innovation in the past 30 years. This is the reason why data integration of medical device data into Electronic Medical Records (EMR/EHR) and Population... read more

Comparing Use of Low-Value Health Care Services Among U.S. Advanced Practice Clinicians and Physicians

Comparing Use of Low-Value Health Care Services Among U.S. Advanced Practice Clinicians and Physicians

Many physicians believe that advanced practice clinicians (APCs) provide care of relatively lower value. APCs and physicians provided an equivalent amount of low-value health services, dispelling physicians' perceptions... read more

Role of Combination Antimicrobial Therapy for Vancomycin‐Resistant Enterococcus faecium Infections

Role of Combination Antimicrobial Therapy for Vancomycin‐Resistant Enterococcus faecium Infections

Enterococcus species are the second most common cause of nosocomial infections in the United States and are particularly concerning in critically ill patients with preexisting comorbid conditions. Rising resistance to antimicrobials... read more

The History of Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 12-18

The History of Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 12-18

The NPSF launched the first Patient Safety Awareness Week in 2002. This annual and globally recognized event typically occurs during the month of March. This year's Patient Safety Awareness Week will take place from... read more

New Guideline Will Allow First-Year Doctors to Work 24-Hour Shifts

New Guideline Will Allow First-Year Doctors to Work 24-Hour Shifts

First-year doctors in training will now be permitted to work shifts lasting as long as 24 hours, eight hours longer than the current limit, according to a professional organization that sets work rules for graduates from... read more

Opening pressures and atelectrauma in ARDS

Opening pressures and atelectrauma in ARDS

Data show that the prerequisites of the open lung strategy are not satisfied using PEEP up to 15 cmH2O and plateau pressure up to 30 cmH2O. For an effective open lung strategy, higher pressures are required. Therefore,... read more

Care that Matters: Quality Measurement and Health Care

Care that Matters: Quality Measurement and Health Care

Barry Saver and colleagues caution against the use of process and performance metrics as health care quality measures in the United States. There is limited evidence that many "quality" measures - including those... read more

Association of Ratio-Based Massive Transfusion With Survival Among Patients Without Trauma

Association of Ratio-Based Massive Transfusion With Survival Among Patients Without Trauma

Association Between Ratio of Fresh Frozen Plasma to Red Blood Cells During Massive Transfusion and Survival Among Patients Without Traumatic Injury. This study reports on the use and benefits of ratio-based blood product... read more

The biggest killer you may not know

The biggest killer you may not know

It kills more than bowel, breast and prostate cancer combined. A report in 2015 said four in 10 patients being admitted to accident and emergency units were not being reviewed quickly enough and uncovered delays in giving... read more

National ICU Quality Indicators Revisited

National ICU Quality Indicators Revisited

The use of QI at a national level is a suitable method to focus on quality in healthcare. Independently of public access to the results, a local or national ICU network will have a lot to gain from engaging in the process... read more