Pre-Op Screen: What Does A Pulse Oximeter Tell Us?

Routinely utilized in ICUs, operating rooms, and telemetry floors, the pulse oximeter ("pulse ox") is perhaps the single greatest monitoring advancement in the modern medical era. It relies on the fact that oxyhemoglobin... read more

Pre-Op Screen: What Does A Pulse Oximeter Tell Us?

Impact of transfusion on patients with sepsis admitted in ICU

Red blood cell transfusion (RBCT) threshold in patients with sepsis remains a matter of controversy. A threshold of 7 g/dL for stabilized patients with sepsis is commonly proposed, although debated. The aim of the study was... read more

Impact of transfusion on patients with sepsis admitted in ICU

FDA Recommendation: Reduce Max Storage Limit of RBCs

A group of researchers are asking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce maximum storage limit for red blood cells from 6 weeks to 5 weeks, as long as there are sufficient blood supplies available. The researchers... read more

FDA Recommendation: Reduce Max Storage Limit of RBCs

New Blood Draw Protocol can reduce risks for pediatric patients

Researchers report that implementing a checklist-style set of procedures appears to cut almost in half the number of potentially unnecessary blood culture draws in critically ill children without endangering doctors'... read more

New Blood Draw Protocol can reduce risks for pediatric patients

Blood culture decision algorithm tied to PICU admissions

A standardized approach to blood cultures in the pediatric ICU successfully reduced collections from central venous catheters, investigators at a single center reported, with no subsequent uptick in adverse events.... read more

Blood culture decision algorithm tied to PICU admissions

Effectiveness of Pre-Hospital Blood Products

University of Warwick is collaborating with researchers at the NIHR Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (SRMRC) to support a ground-breaking new study to investigate the effectiveness of giving patients... read more

Effectiveness of Pre-Hospital Blood Products

Uncontrolled Bleeding Stopped By Injectable Viscous Hydrogel

A new study describes a novel embolic agent for endovascular embolization procedures that has a hemostatic activity comparable to that of metallic coils, the current gold standard. The nanocomposite STBs are injected through... read more

Uncontrolled Bleeding Stopped By Injectable Viscous Hydrogel

Blood Products Can Safely be Transported by Drones

Blood products don't seem to suffer damage when transported by drones, researchers report. Large bags of blood products, such as those transfused into patients everyday, can maintain temperature and cellular integrity... read more

Blood Products Can Safely be Transported by Drones

A closer step to artificial blood

Researchers have created an artificial red blood cell that effectively picks up oxygen in the lungs and delivers it to tissues throughout the body. This artificial blood can be freeze-dried, making it easier for combat medics... read more

A closer step to artificial blood

HSCI researchers use color tagging system to track development of blood stem cells

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers have used a colorful, cell-labeling technique to track the development of the blood system and trace the lineage of adult blood cells travelling through the vast networks of... read more

HSCI researchers use color tagging system to track development of blood stem cells

Diabetes monitoring breathalyzer developed

A new hand-held breathalyzer that allows individuals to easily assess their blood glucose levels has been developed. The device informs the user bout diabetes risk and it differs from a medical device we reported on earlier... read more

Diabetes monitoring breathalyzer developed

A New Technology Sees Through Walls and May Save Your Life Someday

Where people can only see color through visible light in three bands - red, green and blue, hyperspectral imaging (HSI) divides the spectrum into dozens or hundreds of bands.... read more

A New Technology Sees Through Walls and May Save Your Life Someday

Dose of dextrose gel lowers risk of low blood sugar in newborns

A single dose of dextrose gel, rubbed inside a newborn's mouth an hour after birth, can lower their risk of developing neonatal hypoglycaemia.... read more

Dose of dextrose gel lowers risk of low blood sugar in newborns

Old vs New: End of Debate on Blood Transfusion Storage

The new data come from the Informing Fresh versus Old Red Cell Management (INFORM) trial, which assigned hospitalized patients to receive transfusion of the freshest red cells in the inventory.... read more

Old vs New: End of Debate on Blood Transfusion Storage

Baxter initiates late-stage study of novel therapy for acute kidney injury

Baxter International commences a Phase 3 clinical trial assessing an investigational drug, Prismocitrate 18, that combines a citrate anticoagulant and renal replacement solution.... read more

Baxter initiates late-stage study of novel therapy for acute kidney injury

Blood products and procoagulants in traumatic bleeding

A host of preclinical and clinical studies have evaluated blood product availability and efficacy in trauma. Recently published randomized controlled trials have investigated the ratio of platelet:plasma:red cell transfusion... read more

Blood products and procoagulants in traumatic bleeding

N.J. hospitals work together to reduce sepsis deaths

Anyone can get sepsis. They can get it while perfectly healthy, after having a health issue or while hospitalized for a procedure or test.... read more

N.J. hospitals work together to reduce sepsis deaths

Tapping into IV takes pain out of blood draws

The system allows nurses and doctors to draw blood from a patient by accessing his or her existing intravenous medication line, instead of repeatedly sticking the patient with a needle. “I’ve never in my career in medicine... read more

Tapping into IV takes pain out of blood draws

Blood lactate concentrations predict ICU deaths

Blood lactate concentration is a strong predictor of mortality, more so than other measures of acidity in the blood, according to Australian researchers.... read more

Blood lactate concentrations predict ICU deaths