Tag: communication
Audible 30-day Free Trial
NEW! For a limited-time, get Audible Premium Plus free for 3 months! Get two free audiobooks with Audible 30-day free trial. Even if you decide to cancel, you can keep the book, absolutely no strings attached. Amazon... read more
Scientific Study Validates Usability of Post-ICU Digital Diary for Families of ICU Patients
In a groundbreaking pilot study, "The usability of a digital diary from the perspectives of intensive care patients’ relatives", researchers have unequivocally confirmed the practicality and effectiveness of Post-ICU for... read more
Family Centered Care At The EOL in the ICU
In the context of end-of-life (EOL) care in the intensive care unit (ICU), recent research has often focussed on patients' families. Studies have shown the importance of communication between ICU clinicians and families,... read more
Loved Ones Are Not “Visitors” in a Patient’s Life
Hospitals are institutions whose primary task is to treat patients. Family-centered care, which considers loved ones as equal partners in patient care, has been gaining recognition in the adult care setting. Our aim was... read more
Families in the Intensive Care Unit: A Guide to Understanding, Engaging, and Supporting at the Bedside
Written by experts in the field, Families in the Intensive Care Unit: A Guide to Understanding, Engaging and Supporting at the Bedside is a state-of-the-art reference for all clinicians who work with families in the ICU.... read more
Voiceless Patients in ICU Regard High-tech AAC Devices As Useful
Although the existing evidence is limited, voiceless patients regard augmentative and alternative communication (high-tech AAC) devices as a useful, reliable, and acceptable alternative communication choice in the ICU. Multicenter,... read more
EPs Who Spread Misinformation Could Face Loss of Board Certification
Parallel pandemics have bedeviled the United States since the first cases of COVID-19 were recognized. As cases and deaths surged, so did the misinformation, and those false statements gained credibility when they came from... read more
Scripts for Subconjunctival Hemorrhage, Fainting and Syncope, and Viral Illness
Many parts of the ED encounter interfere with patient or family comprehension, not the least of which is the ED's noisy, hurried environment. But other factors affect what they understand and remember about the encounter—their... read more
Addressing Hospital-Acquired Hypoglycemia
Findings suggest that ensuring a consistent 30-minute window between POC BG measurement and meal delivery enabled nursing staff to perform timely POC BG measurements and administer a more optimal mealtime insulin dose. Increasing... read more
General Practitioners’ Views in Caring for Patients After Sepsis
General Practitioners provide continuity of care to patients surviving sepsis. Better communication at the ICU-GP interface and training in management of long-term complications of sepsis may be helpful to improve sepsis... read more
Resident competencies before and after short ICU rotations
A monthly multi-competency assessment for specialty residents rotating in the ICU is likely feasible for most programs with appropriate resources, and generally acceptable for residents. Specialty residents' cognitive reasoning... read more
Practical Guidance for Evidence-Based ICU Family Conferences
Because most critically ill patients lack decision-making capacity, physicians often ask family members to act as surrogates for the patient in discussions about the goals of care. Therefore, clinician-family communication... read more
Clinical Communication with Families in the Age of COVID-19
The admission of a critically ill patient to an intensive care unit (ICU) is a distressing event for the patient, their family and friends, which has been amplified by the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. Many hospitals... read more
Variation in Hospital Visitor & ICU Communication Policies Due to COVID-19
A new study documents how 49 of those hospitals reacted, and how those efforts varied. It finds that virtually all hospitals put in place a "no visitors" blanket policy. But 59% of hospitals did allow some exceptions to this... read more
ICU Doctor Creates App to Help Patients on Ventilators Communicate Faster
ICU Doctor Chandar Abboy and his partner came up with a way to give a voice to the voiceless. The app called “Yo Doc” allows patients on ventilators to better communicate their needs and feelings. Dr. Abboy says this... read more