Septic Distributive Shock: Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta

Massive distributive shock can lead to total collapse of the cardiopulmonary system with a subsequent need for CPR. Partial REBOA may be a viable resuscitation adjunct in such cases to restore hemodynamics and increase coronary... read more

Bundling Procedures in Critically Ill Trauma Patients and ICU LOS

Intubated trauma patients who presented with certain mechanisms (gunshot wounds (GSW), pedestrian struck), received blood transfusions, or exhibited severe/profound ISS may be more likely to receive immediate bundled lines... read more

Device Associated Complications in the ICU

Although mortality in the intensive care unit (ICU) has declined over time, ICU associated complications remain common, affecting up to a half of critically ill patients and resulting in increased mortality, longer hospital... read more

Environmental Impact of Single‑use and Reusable Items in CVC-insertion Kits

he use of CVC-insertion kits containing reusable metal instruments and reusable textiles offer a robust opportunity to reduce the environmental impacts and financial costs of CVC insertions in a European setting, compared... read more

Environmental Impact of Single‑use and Reusable Items in CVC-insertion Kits

Risk factors and events in the adult ICU associated with pain as self-reported at the end of the intensive care unit stay

The short-term and long-term consequences of the most frequent painful procedures performed in the ICU are unclear. This study aimed to identify the risk factors associated with pain-related discomfort perceived by critically... read more

Risk factors and events in the adult ICU associated with pain as self-reported at the end of the intensive care unit stay

Which One is Better? Chlorhexidine-impregnated Sponge or Chlorhexidine Gel Dressing

A similar infection risk for gel-dress and sponge-dress. Gel-dress showed fewer dressing disruptions. Concomitant use of CHG for skin disinfection and CHG-impregnated dressing may significantly increase contact dermatitis. A... read more

Distance Between the Tips of Central Venous Catheters Does Not Depend on Same or Opposite Site Access

Central venous catheters (CVCs) are routinely required in the intensive care unit (ICU) for infusion of drugs, often concurrently with central venous dialysis catheters (CVDCs) for renal replacement therapy (RRT). Increased... read more

Distance Between the Tips of Central Venous Catheters Does Not Depend on Same or Opposite Site Access

Trick of the Trade: Bubble Study for Confirmation of Central Line Placement

The safe placement a central venous catheter (CVC) remains an important part of caring for critically ill patients. Over 5 million CVCs are placed each year in the United States. It is crucial to confirm that the central... read more

Trick of the Trade: Bubble Study for Confirmation of Central Line Placement

Comparison between procalcitonin and C-reactive protein to predict blood culture results in ICU patients

Biomarkers represent an essential tool for identification of patients developing infection and to determine their clinical severity. Procalcitonin (PCT) levels appeared to be correlated with the development of severe bacterial... read more

Comparison between procalcitonin and C-reactive protein to predict blood culture results in ICU patients

Central Venous Catheter – Which Needle?

A prospective randomised trial comparing insertion success rate and incidence of catheterisation-related complications for subclavian venous catheterisation using a thin-walled introducer needle or a catheter-over-needle... read more

Central Venous Catheter – Which Needle?

Prevention of Hospital Infections by Intervention and Training (PROHIBIT)

Results of a pan-European cluster-randomized multicentre study to reduce central venous catheter-related bloodstream infections. This study demonstrates that multimodal prevention strategies aiming at improving CVC insertion... read more

Prevention of Hospital Infections by Intervention and Training (PROHIBIT)

Reduction in Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections Correlated With the Introduction of a Novel Silver-Plated Dressing for Central Venous Catheters

Use of SDs is associated with a significant decrease in CLABSI rates in adult ICU patients compared to CHGIS dressings, with an estimated cost savings of US$4070 to US$39 600 per 1000 catheter days. A total of 3189 patient... read more

Reduction in Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections Correlated With the Introduction of a Novel Silver-Plated Dressing for Central Venous Catheters

Central Line Versus Peripheral IV Flow Rates In Resuscitation

The indications for central venous catheters (CVCs) include invasive hemodynamic monitoring, transvenous cardiac pacing, hemodialysis, lack of peripheral venous access, administration of vasopressors, nutritional support,... read more

Central Line Versus Peripheral IV Flow Rates In Resuscitation