Tag: delirium
Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults
Delirium, an acute confusional state, is common among hospitalized elders and is associated with poor outcomes. All patients with delirium should be evaluated for reversible causes. Behavioral disturbances should be managed... read more
Barriers to Delirium Assessment in the ICU
Many barriers exist to prevent effective assessment and management of delirium, but several of these are due to a lack of understanding or unfamiliarity with the condition and the assessment tools as well as lack of medical... read more
Humanizing the Treatment of Hyperactive Delirium in the Last Days of Life
When patients with advanced cancer near the end of their life, it is important for physicians, nurses, and other health care personnel to respect and dignify the dying process of the patient. This requires a shift in focus... read more
Acute Kidney Injury Is Risk Factor for Delirium and Coma
For critically ill adults, acute kidney injury is a risk factor for delirium and coma. Stage 2 acute kidney injury was associated with increased risk of delirium and coma (odds ratios, 1.55 and 2.04, respectively), as was... read more
Post-ICU syndrome signals need for better transition between life-saving care and return to life
Studies show that there are a range of reactions to a stay in the ICU, from the physical wasting that patients experience when they're prone and immobilized to the emotional problems that can come with surviving a near-death... read more
Intraoperative ketamine for prevention of postoperative delirium or pain after major surgery in older adults
Between Feb 6, 2014, and June 26, 2016, 1360 patients were assessed, and 672 were randomly assigned, with 222 in the placebo group, 227 in the 0·5 mg/kg ketamine group, and 223 in the 1·0 mg/kg ketamine group. There was... read more
Post-ICU Psychological Morbidity in Very Long ICU Stay Patients with ARDS and Delirium
Delirium was associated with memory impairment and PTSS-14 scores suggestive of PTSD, but not illness severity. 181 subjects were included. Illness severity did not correlate with delirium duration. On logistic regression,... read more
Benzodiazepines and Delirium in ICU Patients
We have learned an extraordinary amount about ICU delirium over the last 2 decades, which is associated with increased duration of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, long-term cognitive impairment, and mortality... read more
Extended ICU Visitation Model Reduces Delirium
In this medical-surgical ICU, an extended visitation model was associated with reduced occurrence of delirium and shorter length of delirium/coma and ICU stay. Two hundred eighty-six patients were enrolled (141 restricted... read more
Worldwide Survey of the ABCDEF Bundle in the ICU
The current implementation of the ABCDEF bundle varies across individual components and regions. We identified specific targets for quality improvement and adoption of the ABCDEF bundle. Our data reflect a significant but... read more
Potentially modifiable factors contributing to sepsis-associated encephalopathy
Acute renal failure and common metabolic disturbances represent potentially modifiable factors contributing to sepsis-associated encephalopathy. However, a true causal relationship has yet to be demonstrated. Our study confirms... read more
Delirium in Advanced Cancer Patients Worsens Survival
Patients with advanced cancer who arrived at the ED with delirium had increased rates of hospitalization and ICU admissions, as well as shorter survival rates, according to a study published in The Oncologist. Many patients... read more
Patients with postoperative delirium more likely to suffer dementia
Delirium is common in elderly hospitalized patients, affecting an estimated 14 - 56% of patients. It frequently manifests as a sudden change in behavior, with patients suffering acute confusion, inattention, disorganized... read more
Preoperative Cognitive Performance and Delirium Associated With Future Dementia in Older People After Cardiac Surgery
Delirium after cardiac surgery commonly, occurs in 25–67 percent of patients. Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by a change in cognition fluctuates, develops over a short period of time and has an underlying... read more
Hypoactive vs Hyperactive Delirium
Hypoactive delirium tends to capture less clinical attention than hyperactive delirium. Like all delirium, it can occur in a variety of patients and settings and will consequently be encountered by many groups of doctors.... read more
A Novel Computerized Test for Detecting and Monitoring Visual Attentional Deficits and Delirium in the ICU
Delirium in the ICU is associated with poor outcomes but is under-detected. Here we evaluated performance of a novel, graded test for objectively detecting inattention in delirium, implemented on a custom-built computerized... read more
Differentiating Delirium From Sedative/Hypnotic-Related Iatrogenic Withdrawal Syndrome
The main objectives of this study is to identify available assessment tools for sedative/hypnotic iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome and delirium in PICU patients, the evidence supporting their use, and describe areas of overlap... read more