Tag: dysphagia
Single Lumen vs. Double Lumen Endotracheal Tube For Postoperative Swallowing Function in Lung Transplantation Patients
BackgroundThis study was conducted to investigate the effect of endotracheal tube type on post operative dysphagia in patients undergoing lung transplant surgery. Will patients who are intubated with a single lumen endotracheal... read more
Clinical Profile and Recovery Pattern of Dysphagia in COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19 considerably impacted swallowing function in the current study. Although many patients recovered within an acceptable timeframe, some experienced persistent severe dysphagia and a protracted recovery with dependence... read more

Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Once considered a rare condition, eosinophilic esophagitis is now one of the most common conditions diagnosed during the assessment of feeding problems in children and during the evaluation of dysphagia and food impaction... read more

Post-extubation Dysphagia
Despite having the tools and techniques for tracheal intubation for > 4000 years, and performing oral intubation with positive pressure mechanical ventilation for > 50 years, only recently has attention focused on... read more

Dysphagia in the ICU: Epidemiology, Mechanisms, and Clinical Management
In the light of the fact that the clinical consequences of ICU-acquired dysphagia (e.g., aspiration-induced pneumonitis/pneumonia) can often be observed on ICUs, more data on underlying mechanisms and/or risk factors seems... read more

Dysphagia – A Common, Transient Symptom in Critical Illness Polyneuropathy
Dysphagia is frequent among patients with critical illness polyneuropathy treated in the ICU. Old age, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the mode of mechanical ventilation, the prevalence of tracheal tubes, and behavioral... read more