Mechanical Power: Meaning, Uses and Limitations

Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) carries significant attributable mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Even though all the ventilatory variables contribute to VILI, current guidelines focus almost... read more

Mechanical Power: Meaning, Uses and Limitations

Dexmedetomidine vs. Propofol Sedation in Critically Ill Adults Requiring Mechanical Ventilation

Dexmedetomidine did not significantly impact ICU length of stay compared with propofol, but it significantly reduced the duration of mechanical ventilation and the risk of delirium in cardiac surgical patients. It also significantly... read more

Dexmedetomidine vs. Propofol Sedation in Critically Ill Adults Requiring Mechanical Ventilation

Improving Outcomes in Patients with Difficult Airways

Evidence indicates that the airway community has successfully conquered the anatomically difficult airway, as these patients are managed safely with a low incidence of morbidity and mortality. In contrast, the literature... read more

Improving Outcomes in Patients with Difficult Airways

Trends in Time to Extubation for Pediatric Postoperative Cardiac Patients

In this large, multicenter database study, early extubation rates in postoperative cardiac patients did not significantly change between 2009 and 2018. Centers that performed early extubation more frequently did not have... read more

Trends in Time to Extubation for Pediatric Postoperative Cardiac Patients

A Decade of Progress in Critical Care Echocardiography

Critical care echocardiography (CCE) is now widely accepted by the critical care community as a valuable tool in the ICU and emergency department, and in perioperative settings. It allows rapid and accurate diagnosis,... read more

A Decade of Progress in Critical Care Echocardiography

Thoracic Spinal Anesthesia in the 21st Century

Since the performance of the first thoracic spinal anesthetic in early 1908 by Thomas Jonnesco in Romania, many anesthetists have gained interest in this unorthodox neuraxial anesthetic technique. The main rationale justifying... read more

Thoracic Spinal Anesthesia in the 21st Century

Use of ECMO in Acutely Poisoned Pediatric Patients in US

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) may improve the hemodynamic and metabolic status of poisoned pediatric patients. Persistent hypotension, acidemia/acidosis, and elevated Pao2 after 24 hours of ECMO were associated... read more

Use of ECMO in Acutely Poisoned Pediatric Patients in US

Hemodynamic Management Challenges of Septic Shock

Sepsis is one of the main causes of admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It is defined as a life-threatening organ dysfunction, caused by dysregulated host response to infection (Singer et al. 2016). Septic shock... read more

Hemodynamic Management Challenges of Septic Shock

Hemodynamic Monitoring (Lessons from the ICU)

This book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine textbook series, teaches readers how to use hemodynamic monitoring, an essential skill for today's intensivists. It offers a valuable guide for beginners,... read more

Hemodynamic Monitoring (Lessons from the ICU)

Multi-Organ Point-Of-Care Ultrasound in AKI

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a clinical syndrome caused by a multitude of hemodynamic, toxic, and structural insults to the kidney, and portends worse patient outcomes. Despite careful history taking, physical examination,... read more

Multi-Organ Point-Of-Care Ultrasound in AKI

Percussion Pacing – An Almost Forgotten Procedure for Hemodynamically Unstable Bradycardias?

More than 80 years after its first description by Eduard Schott, percussion (fist) pacing remains a little known procedure even though it represents an instantly available and easy to perform treatment for temporary emergency... read more

Percussion Pacing – An Almost Forgotten Procedure for Hemodynamically Unstable Bradycardias?

Why Are We Still Talking about ICP and Ketamine?

A trauma patient required emergent intubation during a recent shift. The altered patient was suspected of having an intracranial bleed. My resident was concerned about rapid onset of hypoxia and other internal injuries causing... read more

Why Are We Still Talking about ICP and Ketamine?

Interventional Critical Care: A Manual for Advanced Care Practitioners

This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of the interventional procedures that can be performed in intensive care settings. The book addresses fundamentals of the indications and technical aspects of procedures,... read more

Interventional Critical Care: A Manual for Advanced Care Practitioners

Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling Analysis Predicts the Hemodynamic Response to Norepinephrine in Hypotensive Postoperative Patients

In patients with arterial hypotension norepinephrine increased end-systolic ventricular elastance and arterial elastance. The effects of norepinephrine on stroke volume depend on baseline ventriculo-arterial coupling. Although... read more

Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling Analysis Predicts the Hemodynamic Response to Norepinephrine in Hypotensive Postoperative Patients

Arterial pH with Hemodynamic Response Association to Vasopressin in Patients with Septic Shock

Compared with higher arterial pH, patients with septic shock and low arterial pH had lower odds of vasopressin response and higher catecholamine doses after vasopressin initiation. Similar to other vasopressors, the clinical... read more

Arterial pH with Hemodynamic Response Association to Vasopressin in Patients with Septic Shock

Hemodynamic Status During Endovascular Stroke Treatment

In our protocol-based setting, intraprocedural pre-recanalization BP reductions during endovascular therapy were not associated with functional outcome. However, higher intraprocedural pre-recanalization SBP and MAP were... read more

Hemodynamic Status During Endovascular Stroke Treatment

Case-Based Device Therapy for Heart Failure

This book provides a comprehensive practical guide to the plethora of devices that have been developed to support the failing heart. It features easy to follow clinically relevant guidance on mechanical devices used for improving... read more

Case-Based Device Therapy for Heart Failure

Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring: Basics and New Horizons

This book describes how to monitor and optimize cardiovascular dynamics using advanced hemodynamic monitoring in perioperative and intensive care medicine. The book outlines basic skills of hemodynamic monitoring, different... read more

Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring: Basics and New Horizons

Principles of Intensive Care, CCU, ICU and Dialysis (Book 1): Vascular Access, ICU and Drug Treatment, Hemodynamic Monitoring

Anesthesia and intensive care are one of the most important disciplines in medical, paramedical and nursing sciences and requires spending attention, time, gaining enough information and experience to be able to evaluate... read more

Principles of Intensive Care, CCU, ICU and Dialysis (Book 1): Vascular Access, ICU and Drug Treatment, Hemodynamic Monitoring

Outcome After Intubation for Septic Shock with Respiratory Distress and Hemodynamic Compromise

Intubation within 24 h of sepsis was not associated with hospital mortality but resulted in fewer 28-day hospital-free days. Although intubation remains a high-risk procedure, we did not identify an increased risk in mortality... read more

Outcome After Intubation for Septic Shock with Respiratory Distress and Hemodynamic Compromise

Management of Pulmonary Embolism in the ICU

Pulmonary embolism is a reason for admission to the Intensive Care Unit and this complication in hospitalised patients is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The identification and management of pulmonary embolism... read more

Management of Pulmonary Embolism in the ICU