Echocardiographic Assessment of Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure in Ventilated Patients

TEE accurately predicts invasive PAOP ≤ 18 mmHg in ventilated patients. This further increases its diagnostic value in patients with suspected acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome. During two consecutive... read more

Echocardiographic Assessment of Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure in Ventilated Patients

Mobilization Practices for Patients with Burn Injury in Critical Care

Mobilization therapy of patients with burns in the ICU was characterized by a low mobility level during mechanical ventilation with a low functional status at hospital discharge. Of the 74 patients admitted, 66% were placed... read more

Mobilization Practices for Patients with Burn Injury in Critical Care

Vasoactive Medication and Randomized Clinical Trials

Vasoactive medication is one of the cornerstones in the treatment of critically ill patients in shock. Shock can be defined as a failure of the circulatory system to provide adequate tissue perfusion resulting in cellular... read more

Vasoactive Medication and Randomized Clinical Trials

Refractory Septic Shock: Our Pragmatic Approach

Despite timely intervention, there exists a small subgroup of patients with septic shock who develop progressive multi-organ failure. Seemingly refractory to conventional therapy, they exhibit a very high mortality. Such... read more

Refractory Septic Shock: Our Pragmatic Approach

Cardiovascular Dynamics in Critically Ill Patients

Although widely used among physicians and frequently present in the literature, the words "stable" and "unstable" to describe cardiovascular dynamics in critically ill patients can have different meanings to different people... read more

Cardiovascular Dynamics in Critically Ill Patients

The Role of Central Venous Oxygen Saturation (ScvO2) as an Indicator of Blood Transfusion in the Critically Ill

Transfusion of red blood cells is an everyday practice in critical care with the primary aim of restoring adequate tissue oxygenation. However, blood transfusion may also be harmful and costly, therefore a so called restrictive... read more

The Role of Central Venous Oxygen Saturation (ScvO2) as an Indicator of Blood Transfusion in the Critically Ill

Extubating Ventilated Patients on Vasoactive Infusions is Safe

In a large single centre study, 21% of intubated patients who received infusions of vasoactive infusions while mechanically ventilated were extubated for the first time while still receiving them. Coincident with their earlier... read more

Extubating Ventilated Patients on Vasoactive Infusions is Safe

Serum Chloride Levels in Critical Illness – The Hidden Story

Chloride is the principal anion of the extracellular fluid and vital for both serum electroneutrality and acid-base homeostasis. The aim of this review is to investigate the relevance of dyschloremia in the critically... read more

Serum Chloride Levels in Critical Illness – The Hidden Story

Hemodynamic Monitoring – The Why, When, Which and What

Although the need to properly assess and monitor the hemodynamic status of a critically ill patient appears self-evident, the plethora of information in the published literature over the past two decades has resulted in complexity... read more

Hemodynamic Monitoring – The Why, When, Which and What

Possible Link Between Splanchnic Circulatory Changes and Exhaled CH4

The aim of this study was to explore the possible link between splanchnic circulatory changes and exhaled CH4 in an attempt to recognize intestinal perfusion failure. Methane (CH4) breath test is an established diagnostic... read more

Possible Link Between Splanchnic Circulatory Changes and Exhaled CH4

Hemodynamic Impact of Oxygen Desaturation During Tracheal Intubation Among Critically Ill Children With Cyanotic and Noncyanotic Heart Disease

Oxygen desaturation was more commonly observed during tracheal intubation in children with cyanotic versus noncyanotic heart disease. However, hemodynamic tracheal intubation associated event rates were similar. In both groups,... read more

Hemodynamic Impact of Oxygen Desaturation During Tracheal Intubation Among Critically Ill Children With Cyanotic and Noncyanotic Heart Disease

Measuring Cardiac Output at the Bedside

The purpose of this review is to review the importance of cardiac output (CO) or stroke volume (SV) measurement and to discuss the various methods (devices) used in determination of CO. Bedside cardiac output measurement... read more

Measuring Cardiac Output at the Bedside

TPTD Techniques in the Hemodynamically Unstable Patient

Transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) devices invasively measure not only cardiac output but also several other hemodynamic variables estimating cardiac preload, cardiac preload, systolic function, the lung oedema and systolic... read more

TPTD Techniques in the Hemodynamically Unstable Patient

Venous Doppler and Veno-Cardiac Coupling

Concepts have been clanging around my head since I participated in Philippe Rola's sedulous Hospitalist & Resuscitationist Conference in Montreal. Initially, the abstractions of ventriculo-arterial coupling, Guytonian physiology... read more

Venous Doppler and Veno-Cardiac Coupling

Metabolic sepsis resuscitation: the evidence behind Vitamin C

Sepsis resuscitation generally focuses on hemodynamics. Rivers of ink have been spilled writing about oxygen delivery and fluid responsiveness. This is clearly important, but it's possible that our focus on easily... read more

Metabolic sepsis resuscitation: the evidence behind Vitamin C

Vasopressors and Inotropes for Shock Syndromes

Vasopressors and inotropes are cornerstones in the management of shock syndromes. Understanding vasopressors' receptor activity and resultant pharmacological response enables clinicians to select the ideal vasopressor(s)... read more

Vasopressors and Inotropes for Shock Syndromes

Effect of Single-Dose Dexmedetomidine on Intraoperative Hemodynamics and Postoperative Recovery during Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy

Premedication of dexmedetomidine at the dose of 1 μg/kg in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy resulted in favorable effect on intraoperative hemodynamics, significant decrease in postoperative EA without causing any... read more

Effect of Single-Dose Dexmedetomidine on Intraoperative Hemodynamics and Postoperative Recovery during Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy

Study of the Effects of Epinephrine on Cerebral Oxygenation and Metabolism During Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation by Hyperspectral Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Epinephrine administration by bolus resulted in transient improvements in cerebral oxygenation and metabolism, whereas continuous epinephrine infusion did not, compared with placebo. Future studies are needed to evaluate... read more

Study of the Effects of Epinephrine on Cerebral Oxygenation and Metabolism During Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation by Hyperspectral Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Hypotensive Response to IV Acetaminophen in Pediatric Cardiac Patients

In isolation of other medication, a hemodynamic response to IV acetaminophen has a higher prevalence in critically ill children with cardiac disease than previously thought and justifies controlled studies in the perioperative... read more

Hypotensive Response to IV Acetaminophen in Pediatric Cardiac Patients

Validation and Critical Evaluation of the Effective Arterial Elastance in Critically Ill Patients

In critically ill patients, effective arterial elastance may be reliably estimated at bedside. We support the use of this validated estimate of effective arterial elastance when coupled with an index of left ventricular contractility... read more

Validation and Critical Evaluation of the Effective Arterial Elastance in Critically Ill Patients

Artificial Liver Support in Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Liver support systems such as MARS and TPE may temporarily improve systemic hemodynamics and the degree of encephalopathy. However, TPE is the only procedure that improves survival in patients with ALF. The role of TPE in... read more

Artificial Liver Support in Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure