Bundle of Care Effectiveness on Tolerance of Awake-prone Positioning in ARF Patients

In the evaluated population of patients with COVID-19-related ARF, implementing a bundle-of-care strategy was associated with a longer AW-PP exposure and a reduced risk of endotracheal intubation. In this secondary analysis... read more

Early Weaning From Invasive Mechanical Ventilation via HFNO vs. Conventional Weaning in ARF Patients

In patients with resolving acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (ARF), early extubation with high flow nasal oxygen is feasible and provides a better alternative to conventional weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation,... read more

ARF Caused by Penicillium Marneffei Infection After Kidney Transplantation

Penicillium Marneffei (PM) infections often present with nonspecific clinical manifestations, and severe respiratory failure (ARF) after infection is particularly uncommon. This case report a patient who developed severe... read more

Optimizing Oxygenation For Tracheal Intubation in Critically Ill Patients

Tracheal intubation (TI) is a common procedure frequently performed in critically ill patients and is an integral part of emergency airway management (EAM). However, it carries inherent risks and can significantly impact... read more

Closed-loop oxygen control improves oxygen therapy in AHRF patients under high flow nasal oxygen

Closed-loop oxygen control improves oxygen administration in patients with moderate-to-severe AHRF treated with HFNO, increasing the percentage of time in the optimal oxygenation range and decreasing the workload of healthcare... read more

Closed-loop oxygen control improves oxygen therapy in AHRF patients under high flow nasal oxygen

HFNO Alone or Alternating with NIV in ARF Patients

In critically ill immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF), the mortality rate did not differ between HFNO alone and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) alternating with high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO). However,... read more

HFNO Alone or Alternating with NIV in ARF Patients

Optimal Respiratory Support for COVID-19 Patients

Noninvasive respiratory support is an essential component of critical care. Both noninvasive ventilation, with its different interface types and modes (including helmet and face masks), and high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) are... read more

Optimal Respiratory Support for COVID-19 Patients

Non-invasive vs. Invasive Respiratory Management Strategies in AHRF Patients

When performing non-invasive ventilation among patients with de novo acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure (AHRF), it is important to avoid excessive tidal volume and lung injury. Although pressure support is needed for... read more

Non-invasive vs. Invasive Respiratory Management Strategies in AHRF Patients

RECOVERY-RS trial finds CPAP reduces need for invasive ventilation in hospitalised COVID-19 patients

The NIHR-supported Respiratory Strategies in COVID-19; CPAP, High-flow, and Standard Care (RECOVERY-RS) trial has demonstrated that treating hospitalised COVID-19 patients who have acute respiratory failure with continuous... read more

RECOVERY-RS trial finds CPAP reduces need for invasive ventilation in hospitalised COVID-19 patients

Adaptive Randomized Controlled Trial of Non-invasive Respiratory Strategies in ARF Patients with COVID-19

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), compared with conventional oxygen therapy, reduced the composite outcome of intubation or death within 30 days of randomisation in hospitalized adults with acute respiratory failure... read more

Adaptive Randomized Controlled Trial of Non-invasive Respiratory Strategies in ARF Patients with COVID-19