Tag: hyperkalemia
Et Tu, Calcium?
We know our core medications for ACLS (epinephrine, amiodarone, lidocaine) but what is the role of other medications, like calcium? We know calcium can be used in the non-ACLS setting for hyperkalemia to prevent or treat... read more

Lactated Ringers is Safe in Hyperkalemia, and is Superior to NS
The myth that LR should be avoided in hyperkalemia is not only incorrect, it is probably backwards. For a hyperkalemic patient in renal failure, Lactated Ringers (LR) should be preferred over normal saline (NS). LR has been... read more

Delayed Strategies for RRT Initiation for Severe AKI
In severe acute kidney injury (AKI) patients with oliguria for more than 72 h or blood urea nitrogen concentration higher than 112 mg/dL and no severe complication that would mandate immediate RRT, longer postponing of renal... read more

Influence of Dyskalemia at ICU Admission and Early Dyskalemia Correction on Survival
Dyskalemia is common at ICU admission and associated with increased mortality. Occurrence of cardiac events increased with dyskalemia depth. A correction of serum potassium level by day 2 was associated with improved... read more

Incidence of Hypoglycemia in Following Insulin‐based Acute Treatment of Hyperkalemia
Iatrogenic hypoglycemia, as a result of treatment for hyperkalemia, is a common occurrence. Hyperkalemia occurs disproportionately in patients with acute kidney injury or end‐stage renal disease, and these patients are... read more

In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
In-hospital cardiac arrest is common and associated with a high mortality rate. Despite this, in-hospital cardiac arrest has received little attention compared with other high-risk cardiovascular conditions, such as stroke,... read more

Potassium Homoeostasis and Pathophysiology of Hyperkalaemia
Since determination of potassium levels may be afflicted with various errors, potassium levels should be determined using a standardized set-up ensuring high accuracy and precision of measurements. Potassium levels may be... read more