Vivantis Offers a Zika RT-qPCR Kit in Response to Virus Epidemic

In response to the need to fast detection of the virus, Vivantis, a leading manufacturer at the forefront of real-time PCR technology has developed the ViPrimePlus Zika Virus RT-qPCR kit.... read more

Bacterial molecule trains the immune system to tolerate infection without inducing illness

Pathogen infection has been considered to have one of two general outcomes - either the infected organism develops some level of illness or its immune system fights off and eliminates the invading pathogen.... read more

Bacterial molecule trains the immune system to tolerate infection without inducing illness

Adjunctive azithromycin reduces risk of non-elective cesarean post-operative infection: The C/SOAP trial

Women receiving azithromycin in addition to standard antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section (c-section) were 49% less likely to develop endometritis and postoperative wound infections compared to those who received only... read more

Adjunctive azithromycin reduces risk of non-elective cesarean post-operative infection: The C/SOAP trial

Hydrocortisone and Septic Shock in Patients With Severe Sepsis

This randomized clinical trial compares the effects of hydrocortisone vs placebo on development of septic shock among intensive care patients with severe sepsis who were not in septic shock.... read more

Hydrocortisone and Septic Shock in Patients With Severe Sepsis

Association of Sodium Selenite and Procalcitonin-Guided Therapy With Mortality

This randomized clinical trial evaluates the use of high-dose sodium selenite, with or without use of a procalcitonin algorithm to guide therapy, and its association with mortality in patients with severe sepsis.... read more

Association of Sodium Selenite and Procalcitonin-Guided Therapy With Mortality

Dysbiosis Across Multiple Body Sites in Critically Ill Adult Surgical Patients

Current evidence suggests that symbiosis of commensal microflora play a significant role in health and illness. The effect that commensal microflora play in critical care is less well known.... read more

Dysbiosis Across Multiple Body Sites in Critically Ill Adult Surgical Patients

HPV Vaccine More Effective Than Thought

The vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which doctors believe causes most cases of cervical cancer, appears even more effective than believed, a new study finds.... read more

HPV Vaccine More Effective Than Thought

Scientists reveal how signals from pathogenic bacteria reach danger sensors of cells

Researchers at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have discovered the way signals from infectious bacteria gain entry into the cytoplasm of host cells to activate disease-fighting inflammasomes. Inflammasomes are... read more

Scientists reveal how signals from pathogenic bacteria reach danger sensors of cells

Polly Wanna Fever? Man’s Rare Infection Linked to Parrots

In the journal BMJ Case Reports, doctors describe the case of a 61-year old man with a number of pet birds who was diagnosed with parrot fever.... read more

Polly Wanna Fever? Man’s Rare Infection Linked to Parrots

Sentinel, a Next Generation Life-Saving Sepsis Alerting Solution

Uniphy Health - a leader in mobile solutions for clinical collaboration and communications - today announced the wide-scale availability of its Sentinel sepsis alerting solution. Uniphy Sentinel is being deployed on the Uniphy... read more

Sentinel, a Next Generation Life-Saving Sepsis Alerting Solution

Belgian scientists discover missing link in septic shock

Researchers at VIB and Ghent University have discovered an important mechanism of sepsis, an overreaction of the body’s immune system to an infection.... read more

Belgian scientists discover missing link in septic shock

Researchers tap Mayo, Christiana Care EHR data to fight sepsis

In an effort to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, records data will be used to help understand how to beat the disease. ... read more

Researchers tap Mayo, Christiana Care EHR data to fight sepsis

Feeding Tubes Require Initial and Ongoing Verification to Minimize Complications

Bedside insertion of a feeding tube may be a common procedure, but poor placement is associated with complications ranging from aspiration to infection, injury and even death.... read more

Feeding Tubes Require Initial and Ongoing Verification to Minimize Complications

Nearly half of patients readmitted after liver transplant

Nearly half of patients were readmitted to the hospital within 90 days of liver transplantation, according to a single-center retrospective study.... read more

Nearly half of patients readmitted after liver transplant

Is it possible to reduce hospital admissions through evidence-based clinic staffing?

Patients who find themselves on in-center dialysis have the higher rates of hospital admissions than those on peritoneal dialysis. These admissions represent a significant financial cost and account for approximately 40%... read more

Is it possible to reduce hospital admissions through evidence-based clinic staffing?

Manuka honey could fight off deadly infections in hospital equipment

Manuka honey could be a powerful new weapon in the battle against hospital-acquired infections, scientists have revealed.... read more

Manuka honey could fight off deadly infections in hospital equipment

Aflatoxin exposure can weaken airways’ defenses opening door for severe respiratory diseases

Toxins from mold found growing on nuts or corn can weaken the airways\' self-clearing mechanisms and immunity, opening the door for respiratory diseases and exacerbating existing ones, suggests a study in Nature Scientific... read more

Aflatoxin exposure can weaken airways’ defenses opening door for severe respiratory diseases

ICUs Might Consider Avoiding Tap Water To Limit Pseudomonas Infections from Faucets

Interview with: Dr. Cohen Regev, M.D Head of the infectious diseases and infection control units Sanz Medical Center, Laniado hospital. The study was conducted in Sanz medical center, a 400-bed community hospital located... read more

ICUs Might Consider Avoiding Tap Water To Limit Pseudomonas Infections from Faucets