Tag: plasma
Convalescent Plasma Cuts Death by 10% in COVID Patients on Mechanical Ventilation
A randomized clinical trial in Belgium finds that convalescent plasma reduces death rates by about 10% in COVID-19 patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. University of Liege researchers led the open-label... read more

Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19 in Hospitalised Patients
Convalescent plasma (CP) and standard of care (SOC) did not result in a higher proportion of clinical improvement on at day 28 in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 compared to SOC alone. This is an investigator-initiated,... read more

Combined Platelet and Erythrocyte Salvage: Evaluation of a New Filtration-based Autotransfusion Device
This study demonstrated the performance of the SAME device. Platelets and red blood cells were salvaged without significant impact on cell integrity and function. In the meantime, leukocytes were not activated, and the washing... read more

COVID-19: Convalescent Plasma vs. Standard Plasma
Administration of convalescent plasma to hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 infection increased antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease 2 but was not associated with improved outcome. Enrollment... read more

Rapid detection of clinically-relevant plasma direct oral anticoagulant levels following acute traumatic injury
In urgent clinical situations, such as trauma, urgent surgery or before thrombolysis, rapid quantification of direct oral anticoagulant plasma drug levels is warranted. Using the ClotPro® analyser, we assessed two novel... read more

Plasma Exchange in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
The spectrum of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ranges from asymptomatic infection to respiratory failure and death of patients. Severely affected patients may develop a cytokine storm-like clinical syndrome with multi-organ... read more

Plasma mitochondrial DNA and metabolomic alterations in severe critical illness
Cell-free plasma mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) levels are associated with endothelial dysfunction and differential outcomes in critical illness. A substantial alteration in metabolic homeostasis is commonly observed in severe... read more

Giving plasma in helicopters, before hospital, may save trauma patients
Giving plasma to trauma victims during air transport, rather than waiting until arrival at the hospital, saved lives, according to the results of a study that involved patients treated aboard MetroHealth Medical Center's... read more

Simultaneous assessment of the synthesis rate and transcapillary escape rate of albumin in inflammation and surgery
Single measurements of the synthesis rate and/or transcapillary escape rate of albumin obviously cannot explain the plasma level of albumin or the changes seen in plasma albumin concentration.... read more