Combined Platelet and Erythrocyte Salvage: Evaluation of a New Filtration-based Autotransfusion Device

This study demonstrated the performance of the SAME device. Platelets and red blood cells were salvaged without significant impact on cell integrity and function. In the meantime, leukocytes were not activated, and the washing quality of the device prevented reinfusion of high concentrations of heparin and plasma proteins.

30 healthy human whole blood units were diluted, heparinized, and processed by the device in two consecutive treatment cycles.

The global erythrocyte yield was 88.1% with posttreatment hematocrits of 48.9% and 51.4% for the first and second cycles, respectively. Ektacytometry did not show evidence of erythrocyte alteration.

Platelet recovery was 36.8%, with posttreatment counts of 88 × 109/l and 115 × 109/l for the first and second cycles, respectively.

Recovered platelets showed a low basal P-selectin expression at 10.8% and a strong response to thrombin-activating peptide.

Leukocyte yield was 93.0% with no activation or cell death.

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