Joint Consensus Statement on Postoperative Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Within an Enhanced Recovery

Joint Consensus Statement on Postoperative Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Within an Enhanced Recovery

The primary driver of length of stay after bowel surgery, particularly colorectal surgery, is the time to return of gastrointestinal (GI) function. Traditionally, delayed GI recovery was thought to be a routine and unavoidable... read more

How Do You Feel? Subjective Perception of Recovery

How Do You Feel? Subjective Perception of Recovery

Long-term subjective and objective outcome appears good in the majority of cardiac arrest survivors. Specific functional and cognitive impairments were found in patients reporting unsatisfactory recovery. Subjective recovery... read more

Knowledge of Constituent Ingredients in Enteral Nutrition Formulas Can Make a Difference in Patient Response to Enteral Feeding

Knowledge of Constituent Ingredients in Enteral Nutrition Formulas Can Make a Difference in Patient Response to Enteral Feeding

The selection of an EF should be a conscientious process based on a number of factors, including the patient's clinical and medical status. The ingredients need to be carefully evaluated in their quality and quantity as they... read more

The Hidden Faces of Sepsis, What Do They Tell Us?

The Hidden Faces of Sepsis, What Do They Tell Us?

Based on the patients' perspective Nutma sheds light on the hidden faces of sepsis, calling for more expertise on sepsis sequelae. She also offers recommendations to improve recovery and outcome. Sepsis really caught me by... read more

Alleviating ICU Survivors’ Burden

Alleviating ICU Survivors’ Burden

In a review paper, a team of international researchers highlights how critical illness and critical care affect longer-term outcomes. According to the authors, the severity of acute illness determines the degree of impairment... read more

Renal Recovery – RRT Modality

Renal Recovery – RRT Modality

Renal recovery - does the choice of renal replacement therapy matter?... read more

Key Steps Can Help Patients Recover From A Stay In The ICU

Key Steps Can Help Patients Recover From A Stay In The ICU

Chances of recovering after an ICU stay rise when families keep patients oriented, stay on top of care plans and encourage seniors to get moving. As many as 1.4 million seniors survive a stay in the ICU every year. And most... read more

Burnout and Resilience in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine

Burnout and Resilience in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine

The term 'burnout' describes the collection of symptoms and signs, both physical and psychological, experienced by individuals due to their work. It is defined as the condition where professionals 'lose all concerns, all... read more

Use of Wearable Devices for Post-discharge Monitoring of ICU patients

Use of Wearable Devices for Post-discharge Monitoring of ICU patients

Wearable devices generate signals detecting activity, sleep, and heart rate, all of which could enable detailed and near-continuous characterization of recovery following critical illness. We found that wearable devices could... read more

RRT Modality in the ICU and Renal Recovery at Hospital Discharge

RRT Modality in the ICU and Renal Recovery at Hospital Discharge

In this large retrospective study, intermittent hemodialysis as an initial modality was associated with lower renal recovery at hospital discharge among patients with acute kidney injury, although the difference seems somewhat... read more

Animal-assisted Activity in the ICU

Animal-assisted Activity in the ICU

Animals are being introduced into hospital settings in ever-increasing numbers. Emerging literature suggests that incorporating trained animals to assist with medical care and rehabilitation therapies can promote patient... read more

Prehabilitation: Preparing Patients for Surgery

Prehabilitation: Preparing Patients for Surgery

The impact of surgery leads to significant homeostatic disturbance.1 The surgical stress response is characterised by catabolism and increased oxygen demand. The extent and duration of the stress response is proportionate... read more

Can Early Rehabilitation on the General Ward After an ICU Stay Reduce Hospital Length of Stay in Survivors of Critical Illness?

Can Early Rehabilitation on the General Ward After an ICU Stay Reduce Hospital Length of Stay in Survivors of Critical Illness?

An early rehabilitation program in survivors of critical illness led to an earlier discharge from the hospital, improved functional recovery, and was also cost-effective and safe. In the per-protocol analysis, length of... read more

Muscle Mass and Physical Recovery in ICU: Innovations for targeting of Nutrition and Exercise

Muscle Mass and Physical Recovery in ICU: Innovations for targeting of Nutrition and Exercise

New innovative techniques are demonstrating promise to target recovery from PICS utilizing a combination of objective LBM and metabolic assessment, targeted nutrition interventions, personalized exercise interventions for... read more