Change in Out-of-Hospital 12-lead ECG Diagnostic Classification in Patients Resuscitated From OHCA
Change in 12-lead ECG classification from OH to ED setting in patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) was common (49%). The OH STEMI classification changed to a less ischemic (non-STEMI) ED classification... read more

Substituting Acetaminophen for Fentanyl Feasible in PCI for STEMI
In patients with STEMI given crushed ticagrelor before PCI, using IV acetaminophen instead of IV fentanyl as a painkiller did not increase pain levels or platelet reactivity and prevented delay of ticagrelor's effects, researchers... read more

Are Phenotypes a Magic Bullet for Sepsis?
There's a constant battle in medicine between practice styles—standardization and customization. Standardization is order sets and doing the same thing for every patient every time because it (hopefully) delivers better... read more

How I Learned to Read ECGs Better than a Cardiologist
I left medical school with a poor understanding of ECGs. I could determine the rate, rhythm, and axis, and maybe a "tombstone" STEMI, but that was about it. During the first week of residency at NYU/Bellevue, I became... read more

The Poor Man’s Tox Screen: ECG Findings in the Acute Overdose
In the middle of a busy ED shift the tech runs up to you with an ECG. Just prior to signing the top "No STEMI" you think: "wait, why do the QRS complexes look like that?" You walk back to triage with the tech to see a... read more

Benefits of PCI for STEMI Not Attenuated in Patients With a Cancer History
Having a history of cancer does not worsen outcomes for patients with STEMI who undergo primary PCI and should not be a barrier to revascularization and optimal therapy.... read more

Beta-blocker Therapy Seems to Boost Post-PCI Outcomes in Patients With ACS
Guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association recommend using beta-blockers in patients with STEMI and NSTEMI, although studies looking at the effects of treatment have provided somewhat... read more