Tag: study
Perceived Barriers to Rapid Response Team Activation Among Nurses
The purpose of this literature review was to investigate the major barriers nurses face when it is necessary to seek additional assistance and resources by calling the rapid response team (RRT) in order to manage and stabilize... read more
Prone Positioning in Non-intubated Patients with COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic has put severe stress and strain on the capacity of hospitals around the world, concerted efforts have been made to evaluate therapeutics aimed at preventing the need for mechanical ventilation. The... read more
Impact of Cardiovascular Risk Profile on COVID-19 Outcome
This study investigates the extent of cardiac comorbidities and complications among hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Cardiovascular complications are frequent among COVID-19 patients, and might contribute to adverse... read more
A Randomised Trial of High-flow Nasal Cannula in Infants with Moderate Bronchiolitis
In patients with moderate bronchiolitis, there was no evidence of lower rate of escalating respiratory support among those receiving HFNC therapy. The analyses included 268 patients among the 2621 infants assessed for... read more
Laboratory Features of Severe vs. Non-severe COVID-19 Patients in Asian Populations
This meta-analysis provides evidence for the differentiation of severe cases of COVID-19 based on laboratory test results at the time of ICU admission. Future well-methodologically designed studies from other populations... read more
Fit-testing of N95/P2-masks to Protect Healthcare Workers
In the context of COVID-19, well fitted respirators e.g. N95/P2-masks are recommended as part of personal protective equipment when performing aerosol generating procedures. Fit-checking is recommended prior to donning... read more
Acute on Chronic Liver Failure in the ICU
Liver Failure may constitute one of the least favorite disease processes for anyone routinely taking care of critically ill patients. Intensivist and hepatology circles have begun to describe a specific population known as... read more
Pulmonary Embolism in COVID-19 Patients in France
Pulmonary embolism (PE) in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) appears to be driven largely by inflammation and coagulopathy rather than by traditional risk factors for thromboembolism. Study results suggest... read more
Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging for LVAD and OHT During COVID-19
Considerations for cardiac imaging in the COVID-19 era include thoughtful patient and study selection with a goal to limit the overall number of tests. General recommendations are as follows: Defer routine or low-risk... read more
Quetiapine Decreases Mortality and Improve Neurological Outcomes in Critically-ill TBI Patients
Quetiapine may decrease mortality and improve neurological outcomes in critically-ill traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. It has a dose-dependent effect to decrease intracranial pressure (ICP) and increase cerebral perfusion... read more
Comparing Procedural Amnesia and Respiratory Depression vs. MS and DS with Propofol
Targeting moderate sedation (MS) or deep sedation (DS) did not reliably result in the intended sedation level. Targeting MS, however, resulted in a lower rate of total AREs and fewer patients had multiple AREs with no difference... read more
Effect of Vitamin C Infusion on Organ Failure and Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Injury in Patients With Sepsis and ARDS
In this preliminary study of patients with sepsis and ARDS, a 96-hour infusion of vitamin C compared with placebo did not significantly improve organ dysfunction scores or alter markers of inflammation and vascular injury.... read more
Association Between Anxiety and New Organ Failure, Independently of Critical Illness Severity and Respiratory Status
Moderate to severe anxiety at ICU admission is associated with early occurrence of new organ failure in critically ill patients, independently of respiratory status and severity of critical illness. The causality link could... read more
Physiologic Assessment: Variation in Fluid and Vasopressor Use in Shock
The decision whether to give more fluid during the management of shock can be somewhat provider-dependent. This multicenter prospective cohort study evaluated 1639 patients with hypotension requiring vasopressors. The... read more
Serum Levels of Receptor-interacting Protein Kinase-3 in Patients with COVID-19
Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which has been linked to poor prognosis and is a major contributor to patient death. A better understanding of the... read more
Holding and Mobility of Pediatric Patients With Transthoracic Intracardiac Catheters
Pediatric patients with transthoracic intracardiac catheters can be safely held and mobilized out of bed. A total of 1,358 patients had activity and positioning documented while transthoracic intracardiac catheters were... read more
COVID-19 Drug Treatments: Living Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis
Glucocorticoids probably reduce mortality and mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19 compared with standard care. The effectiveness of most interventions is uncertain because most of the randomised controlled trials... read more
Hypothermia Plus Melatonin in Asphyctic Newborns
The early addition of IV melatonin to asphyctic neonates is feasible and may improve long-term neurodevelopment. To our knowledge, this is the first clinical trial to analyze the administration of IV melatonin as an adjuvant... read more