Tag: syndrome
A Cold Case of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
A 61-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure (s/p PPM/ICD), pulmonary embolism (on warfarin), end-stage renal disease (on HD via right internal... read more

Outcome Related to Level of Targeted Temperature Management in Postcardiac Arrest Syndrome of Low, Moderate, and High Severities
Targeted temperature management at 33–34°C was associated with a significantly higher rate of a good neurologic outcome in the moderate-severity postcardiac arrest syndrome group, but not in the low- or high-severity group. A... read more

Decatecholaminisation during sepsis
While necessary and life-saving in the early fight or flight reaction to any insult, prolonged adrenergic stress is detrimental and contributes to organ dysfunction. In the largest trial to date, Morelli et al. enrolled septic... read more

Ten Shortcomings of the Current Definition of AKI
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as an abrupt decline in kidney function. Although the kidney has many functions, this "abrupt decline" mostly refers to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) that cannot... read more

Key Steps Can Help Patients Recover From A Stay In The ICU
Chances of recovering after an ICU stay rise when families keep patients oriented, stay on top of care plans and encourage seniors to get moving. As many as 1.4 million seniors survive a stay in the ICU every year. And most... read more

Potentially modifiable factors contributing to outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome
Higher PEEP, lower peak, plateau, and driving pressures, and lower respiratory rate are associated with improved survival from ARDS.... read more

Hydrocortisone treatment in early sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome
In sepsis-associated ARDS, hydrocortisone treatment was associated with a significant improvement in pulmonary physiology, but without a significant survival benefit.... read more

Targeted thyroid hormone delivery reduces off-target effects
This work provides strong evidence that targeted delivery of T3 via hybridization to glucagon can be a potent treatment option for metabolic syndrome and associated diseases.... read more

Is SIRS dead? The new definition of sepsis.
To mark Sepsis Awareness Month in September, Prof Gando, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Intensive Care, tells us more about the recent sepsis definitions, published earlier this year.... read more

Burnout Syndrome in Critical Care Health Care Professionals
Burnout syndrome (BOS) occurs in all types of health care professionals and is especially common in individuals who care for critically ill patients. The development of BOS is related to an imbalance of personal characteristics... read more