Tag: technology
Study: Integration of eICU Telemedicine Program Improves Patient Outcomes
New CHEST study reveals greater integration of eICU telemedicine teams with bedside care achieved shorter lengths of ICU and hospital stays.... read more

Physicians Say 2 Hours a Day Spent on Digital Records
Clinicians are spending nearly two hours working on electronic health records (EHRs) for every hour they spend with a patient.... read more

A New Technology Sees Through Walls and May Save Your Life Someday
Where people can only see color through visible light in three bands - red, green and blue, hyperspectral imaging (HSI) divides the spectrum into dozens or hundreds of bands.... read more

Similar Complication Rate for Transvenous, Subcutaneous ICDs
The complication rate in patients implanted with an S-ICD or TV-ICD was similar, but their nature differed.... read more

The Johns Hopkins Hospital Launches Capacity Command Center To Enhance Hospital Operations
The Johns Hopkins Hospital has launched a state-of-the-art, advanced hospital control center. The Capacity Command Center incorporates systems engineering principles, which are commonly seen in most complex industries, such... read more

The 12 Most Important Health Innovations Of The Year
The best of what's new in health innovations this year.... read more

FDA to radiologists: stop using any Multidata Systems devices
At least two devices distributed in U.S. without FDA approval. There have been at least two Multidata medical devices that the company manufactured and distributed in the United States for which FDA never received nor reviewed... read more

Germ-Zappers Are Saving Lives
Meet the world's only full-spectrum ultraviolet germ-zapping robot - the creation of Xenex Disinfection Services. The Xenex robot is now used in more than 300 hospitals in the United States.... read more

Visual dashboard brings together key clinical data in ICU
Memorial Hermann trauma care unit personnel can see visual representations of crucial patient information, speeding decision making and care choices.... read more

Researchers develop new tool to predict early ICU readmission for surgical patients
Researchers developed a risk prediction tool, called a nomogram, that uses a scoring system to determine a patient's risk level for returning to the SICU within 72 hours after discharge from the unit.... read more

New Ecosystem Test Strongly Predicts Ovarian Cancer Survival
Assessing the cell ecosystems at sites where ovarian cancer has spread round the body strongly predicts the chances of surviving from the disease, a new study reports. ... read more

What goes into the first aid kit of the future?
A revolution is taking place in the recesses of bathroom mirrors and pantry cabinets as a new wave of gadgets expand our conception of the First Aid Kit.... read more

Sentinel, a Next Generation Life-Saving Sepsis Alerting Solution
Uniphy Health - a leader in mobile solutions for clinical collaboration and communications - today announced the wide-scale availability of its Sentinel sepsis alerting solution. Uniphy Sentinel is being deployed on the Uniphy... read more

Researchers tap Mayo, Christiana Care EHR data to fight sepsis
In an effort to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, records data will be used to help understand how to beat the disease. ... read more

High-Speed Confocal Imaging
Confocal microscopy, or more accurately confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), is a derivation of optical microscopy that allows both the optical resolution and contrast of micrographic images to be increased.... read more

Study: Continuous Patient Monitoring Could Save Healthcare $15B
Continuous patient monitoring can save the US healthcare system up to $15 billion, according to peer-reviewed paper published in Critical Care Medicine.... read more

OCT may speed detection of pneumonia-related bacteria in ICU patients
The ability to better detect and assess bacteria linked to a form of pneumonia prevalent in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) could soon become possible, according to research reported in the latest issue of the Journal... read more

The laser probe, the iKnife, and the cutting edge of surgery
Advances in surgery include the iKnife, a tool that analyzes vapor from tissues during surgery to allow a more precise removal of tumors.... read more

Communication App Helps Patients Voice Their Needs
An innovative tablet-based application offers intubated and ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients a way to converse with their medical staff.... read more

Supporting clinical research with an intensive-care database
Crowdsourcing clinical data from some 40,000 patients could vastly improve research and critical-care decisions.... read more

Tapping into IV takes pain out of blood draws
The system allows nurses and doctors to draw blood from a patient by accessing his or her existing intravenous medication line, instead of repeatedly sticking the patient with a needle. “I’ve never in my career in medicine... read more

Telehealth Can Be a Useful Communication Tool in the ICU
A Penn Medicine study finds that a video-based telehealth platform could improve communications between clinicians and a patient's family members in the always-busy ICU. A telehealth link could be more beneficial to... read more