Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine

With a focus on evidence-based, state-of-the-art information throughout, the eighth edition of Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine offers authoritative guidance to the wide variety of specialty physicians and non-physicians... read more

Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine

Critical Care Administration: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

This book provides a state-of-the-art overview on critical care administration. The text reviews important aspects and considerations involved in developing an efficient, cost-effective critical care program, while maintaining... read more

Critical Care Administration: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

Tele-ICU Rounds Ineffective in Shortening ICU Stay for Patients

Daily multidisciplinary rounds conducted by a board-certified intensivist through telemedicine do not reduce intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) in critically ill adult patients, according to a study published... read more

Post-discharge Care Using Telemedicine: Pre-pandemic vs. Pandemic Care

Expansion of virtual post-discharge visits to include all patients and telephone calls did not negatively impact rates of 30-day post-discharge hospital encounters. Offering tele-health options for post-discharge follow-up... read more

Post-discharge Care Using Telemedicine: Pre-pandemic vs. Pandemic Care

Telemedicine in the ICU

This text provides a concise, yet comprehensive overview of telemedicine in the ICU. The first part of the book reviews common issues faced by practitioners and hospital administrators in implementing and managing tele-ICU... read more

Telemedicine in the ICU

Virtual Handover of Patients in the PICU During the COVID-19 Crisis

Video-conferencing applications for online handovers could supplement traditional face-to-face intensive care unit patient handover during outbreaks of infectious diseases. The use of video streaming and more emphasis on... read more

Virtual Handover of Patients in the PICU During the COVID-19 Crisis

Health Systems Successfully Leverage Tele-ICU During Pandemic and Intend to Continue

Help during the pandemic for overwhelmed, overworked intensive care unit (ICU) nurses at some health systems came in the form of experienced tele-ICU nurses working remotely to support on-site colleagues as they cared for... read more

Health Systems Successfully Leverage Tele-ICU During Pandemic and Intend to Continue

Effects of Telemedicine ICU Intervention on Care Standardization and Patient Outcomes

In this pre-post observational study, telemedicine ICU intervention was associated with improvements in care standardization and decreases in ICU and hospital mortality and length of stay. The mortality benefits were mediated... read more

Effects of Telemedicine ICU Intervention on Care Standardization and Patient Outcomes

Hospitals Turn to Remote Monitoring Tools to Free Up Beds for the Sickest COVID-19 Patients

Desperate to free up beds for only the sickest COVID-19 patients, hospitals nationwide are weighing the use of new technologies to monitor patients from their homes. Physicians at several hospitals said their discussions... read more

Hospitals Turn to Remote Monitoring Tools to Free Up Beds for the Sickest COVID-19 Patients

New Technology Gives Parents Virtual Face Time With Their Hospitalized Children

The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) team at the University of Maryland Children's Hospital (UMCH) is offering a new way for families to interact with their child and the medical team when they can’t be there in person. PICU... read more

New Technology Gives Parents Virtual Face Time With Their Hospitalized Children

Critical Care Telemedicine: A Management Fad or the Future of ICU Practice?

Critical care telemedicine is a potential solution to the scarcity of critical care expertise, while quality and safe care can also be promoted through off-site surveillance, early warning capabilities, clinical decision... read more

Critical Care Telemedicine: A Management Fad or the Future of ICU Practice?

Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

This issue of Critical Care Clinics, edited by Dr. Kianoush Kashani in collaboration with Consulting Editor Dr. John Kellum, is focused on Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine. Topics in this issue include: ICU telemedicine... read more

Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

The Role of the Physician Assistant in Critical Care

Since inception in the mid-1960s, the Physician Assistant (PA) profession has grown to become an integral part of healthcare delivery. As the name implies, PAs were historically seen as assistants to the physician, helping... read more

The Role of the Physician Assistant in Critical Care

Telehealth and Patient Outcomes

Ranjit Deshpande, MD, and Donna Lee Armaignac, PhD, APRN, CCNS, CCRN, discuss maximizing positive patient care outcomes through telemedicine. Dr. Armaignac presented on this topic at the Society's 48th Critical Care Congress.... read more

Telehealth and Patient Outcomes

Holographic Telepresence  – Taking Trauma Care to the Next Level

Advancing technology is all set to bring in a new era of highly-realistic holographic Telepresence. Throughout the history of science fiction and video gaming, we've seen holograms come in various shapes and sizes. Today,... read more

Holographic Telepresence  – Taking Trauma Care to the Next Level

Impact of Weekly Case-based Tele-education on Quality of Care in a Limited Resource Medical ICU

Limited critical care subspecialty training and experience is available in many low- and middle-income countries, creating barriers to the delivery of evidence-based critical care. We hypothesized that a structured tele-education... read more

Impact of Weekly Case-based Tele-education on Quality of Care in a Limited Resource Medical ICU

Tele-ICU Leads to Overall Reduction in ICU Mortality

A new systematic review and meta-analysis has found that implementation of tele-ICU services was associated with an overall reduction in ICU mortality. Furthermore, in subgroup analysis, the pooled odds ratio for ICU mortality... read more

Tele-ICU Leads to Overall Reduction in ICU Mortality

Telemedicine Reduces ICU Mortality Rate at Valley Health

During the first year of tele-ICU at Valley Health, the technology helped save 125 lives, achieve a 35 to 44 percent reduction in ICU mortality rate, reduce ICU length of stay by 34 percent, reduce the sepsis mortality rate,... read more

Telemedicine Reduces ICU Mortality Rate at Valley Health

Anesthesia Telemedicine: Assessing Hard-to-Reach Patients for Surgery

Medically fragile infants on ventilation support at community or rural hospitals without surgical services sometimes need those services. That poses a challenge for pediatric anesthesiologists who need to assess these babies... read more

Anesthesia Telemedicine: Assessing Hard-to-Reach Patients for Surgery

Real-Time Patient-Provider Video Telemedicine Integrated with Clinical Care

Telemedicine by means of video visits can increase patient access to care, but there is little evidence about broad integration of video visits into existing clinical care, particularly for primary care.1,2 In an integrated... read more

Real-Time Patient-Provider Video Telemedicine Integrated with Clinical Care

Dutch Ambitions on eHealth

Dutch government is encouraging the healthcare sector to expand telehealth (eHealth) services. Dutch government wants eHealth to become more widely available and is encouraging the healthcare sector to develop it further.... read more

Dutch Ambitions on eHealth

Remote ICU

How do we Identify specific Remote ICU investment and emerging trends? Does the Remote ICU performance meet the customer's requirements? How do we manage Remote ICU Knowledge Management (KM)? How frequently do you track Remote... read more

Remote ICU