Tag: thromboprophylaxis
Thrombocytopenia and Platelet Transfusions in ICU Patients
In this international prospective cohort study of acutely admitted adult ICU patients, we found that 43% had thrombocytopenia; 23% at ICU admission and 20% developed it during ICU stay. Patients with thrombocytopenia... read more

Rivaroxaban vs. No Anticoagulation for Post-discharge Thromboprophylaxis After COVID-19 Hospitalisation
In patients at high risk discharged after hospitalisation due to COVID-19, thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban 10 mg/day for 35 days improved clinical outcomes compared with no extended thromboprophylaxis. From Oct 8,... read more

Ambulation Alone Not Effective Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism
Our systematic review failed to find high-quality evidence to suggest that ambulation alone is an appropriate or effective prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism. Although some studies suggest that ambulation may reduce... read more

Is Daily Enoxaparin Dosing As Good As Twice Daily?
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains a big problem for trauma professionals and the patients they take care of. Every trauma center has some sort of VTE prophylaxis protocol for stratifying risk, prescribing mechanical... read more

Safety profile of enhanced thromboprophylaxis strategies for critically ill COVID-19 patients
In a cohort of critically ill patients with a high prevalence of thromboembolic events, ET was associated with reduced ICU mortality without an increased burden of haemorrhagic complications. This study suggests ET strategies... read more