Systemic and Microcirculatory Effects of Blood Transfusion in Experimental Hemorrhagic Shock

Systemic and Microcirculatory Effects of Blood Transfusion in Experimental Hemorrhagic Shock

The microvascular reperfusion injury after retransfusion has not been completely characterized. Specifically, the question of heterogeneity among different microvascular beds needs to be addressed. In addition, the identification... read more

Ratio-based Transfusion and Non-trauma Patients

Ratio-based Transfusion and Non-trauma Patients

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) urge caution in adopting ratio-based transfusion - a practice previously studied only in patients with severe traumatic injuries - in non-trauma patients. Their study published... read more

Association of Ratio-Based Massive Transfusion With Survival Among Patients Without Trauma

Association of Ratio-Based Massive Transfusion With Survival Among Patients Without Trauma

Association Between Ratio of Fresh Frozen Plasma to Red Blood Cells During Massive Transfusion and Survival Among Patients Without Traumatic Injury. This study reports on the use and benefits of ratio-based blood product... read more

Transfusion in Critical Care – UK Regional Audit of Current Practice

Transfusion in Critical Care – UK Regional Audit of Current Practice

A consistent message within critical care publications has been that a restrictive transfusion strategy is non-inferior, and possibly superior, to a liberal strategy for stable, non-bleeding critically ill patients. Translation... read more

Critical Care Patients Benefit From Restrictive Transfusion Strategy

Critical Care Patients Benefit From Restrictive Transfusion Strategy

Although a restrictive transfusion strategy significantly reduces the risk for 30-day all-cause mortality in critical care patients, its benefits are less clear in perioperative patients, according to a meta-analysis by a... read more

Impact of transfusion on patients with sepsis admitted in ICU

Impact of transfusion on patients with sepsis admitted in ICU

Red blood cell transfusion (RBCT) threshold in patients with sepsis remains a matter of controversy. A threshold of 7 g/dL for stabilized patients with sepsis is commonly proposed, although debated. The aim of the study was... read more

FDA Recommendation: Reduce Max Storage Limit of RBCs

FDA Recommendation: Reduce Max Storage Limit of RBCs

A group of researchers are asking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce maximum storage limit for red blood cells from 6 weeks to 5 weeks, as long as there are sufficient blood supplies available. The researchers... read more

Is platelet transfusion associated with hospital-acquired infections in critically ill patients?

Is platelet transfusion associated with hospital-acquired infections in critically ill patients?

After adjustment for confounders, including patient severity and other blood components, platelet transfusion was independently associated with ICU-acquired infection. Further research aiming to better understand this association... read more

Old vs New: End of Debate on Blood Transfusion Storage

Old vs New: End of Debate on Blood Transfusion Storage

The new data come from the Informing Fresh versus Old Red Cell Management (INFORM) trial, which assigned hospitalized patients to receive transfusion of the freshest red cells in the inventory.... read more

Patients benefit from tranexamic acid in surgery, withholding blood pressure meds before

Patients benefit from tranexamic acid in surgery, withholding blood pressure meds before

Four innovative studies exploring ways to reduce complications related to heart surgery or minimize patient mortality due to risks associated with low blood pressure and surgery.... read more