Effectiveness of targeted enhanced terminal room disinfection on hospital-wide acquisition and infection with multidrug-resistant organisms and Clostridium difficile

The hospital environment is a source of pathogen transmission. The effect of enhanced disinfection strategies on the hospital-wide incidence of infection has not been investigated in a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.... read more

Effectiveness of targeted enhanced terminal room disinfection on hospital-wide acquisition and infection with multidrug-resistant organisms and Clostridium difficile

Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Proportional-Assist Ventilation Plus vs. Pressure Support Ventilation in the ICU in Two Countries

The published reductions in asynchrony and length of stay in the ICU with proportional assist ventilation (PAV ventilation by Medtronic) led to shorter time on ventilation, and reduced incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia... read more

Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Proportional-Assist Ventilation Plus vs. Pressure Support Ventilation in the ICU in Two Countries

Clinical Trial Participants’ Views of the Risks and Benefits of Data Sharing

In a survey of participants in clinical trials, most believe the potential benefits of data sharing outweigh potential negative consequences and are willing to share their data. Less than 8% of respondents felt that the potential... read more

Clinical Trial Participants’ Views of the Risks and Benefits of Data Sharing

FIRST-line Support for Assistance in Breathing in Children (FIRST-ABC)

A multicentre pilot randomised controlled trial of high-flow nasal cannula therapy versus continuous positive airway pressure in pediatric critical care. Our pilot trial confirms that, following minor changes to consent procedures... read more

FIRST-line Support for Assistance in Breathing in Children (FIRST-ABC)

Abnormal Saline and the History of Intravenous Fluids

Two new clinical trials together involving nearly 30,000 patients support previous observational evidence that the most common solution used for intravenous fluid therapy in the world is associated with kidney damage. Both... read more

Abnormal Saline and the History of Intravenous Fluids

A Randomized Trial of a Family-Support Intervention in ICUs

Family-support intervention in ICUs increased patient comfort and reduced costs. Among critically ill patients and their surrogates, a family-support intervention delivered by the interprofessional ICU team did not significantly... read more

A Randomized Trial of a Family-Support Intervention in ICUs

Do We Know Enough to Recommend Corticosteroids in ARDS?

We read with interest the evidence-based recommendations for the use of prolonged corticosteroids in early moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) published in Critical Care Medicine by the Corticosteroid... read more

Do We Know Enough to Recommend Corticosteroids in ARDS?

Implementing Treatment Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma Induced Coagulopathy

The 5-year TACTIC project is a multi-component study, a main focus of which is the development of European-wide clinical trial, entitled "Implementing Treatment Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma Induced Coagulopathy... read more

Implementing Treatment Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma Induced Coagulopathy

Vasopressors for Hypotensive Shock

This review seeks unbiased evidence about the effects of different drugs that enhance blood pressure on risk of dying in critically ill patients with impaired blood circulation. Review authors identified 28 randomized controlled... read more

Vasopressors for Hypotensive Shock

Effect of Use of a Bougie vs Endotracheal Tube and Stylet on First-Attempt Intubation Success Among Patients With Difficult Airways Undergoing Emergency Intubation

In this emergency department, use of a bougie compared with an endotracheal tube + stylet resulted in significantly higher first-attempt intubation success among patients undergoing emergency endotracheal intubation.... read more

Effect of Use of a Bougie vs Endotracheal Tube and Stylet on First-Attempt Intubation Success Among Patients With Difficult Airways Undergoing Emergency Intubation

Resuscitation Sequence Intubation – Hypoxemia Kills

This blog post is the second part of a series of 3, on a recent lecture I was asked to give on Critical Care Updates: Resuscitation Sequence Intubation. This talk was mostly derived from a podcast by Scott Weingart (Twitter:... read more

Resuscitation Sequence Intubation – Hypoxemia Kills

Emory Cares for ICU Patients Remotely, Turning “Night into Day” from Australia

A partnership involving Emory Healthcare, Royal Perth Hospital in Australia, along with health technology company, Philips, will move night intensive care work in the Emory eICU Center into daylight hours, focusing on the... read more

Emory Cares for ICU Patients Remotely, Turning “Night into Day” from Australia

Nicorandil Protects Older Patients from Myocardial Injury After PCI

Intravenous nicorandil cut the risk of periprocedural myocardial injury (pMI) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) by 49 percent among patients 65 and older, according to a substudy of a randomized trial published... read more

Nicorandil Protects Older Patients from Myocardial Injury After PCI

Best PEEP Trials are Dependent on Tidal Volume

Determining the optimal positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome remains an area of active investigation. Most trials individualizing PEEP optimize one physiologic parameter... read more

Best PEEP Trials are Dependent on Tidal Volume

Epidemiology of Sepsis in Turkish ICUs

The prevalence and mortality of sepsis are largely unknown in Turkey, a country with high antibiotic resistance. A national, multicenter, point-prevalence study was conducted to determine the prevalence, causative microorganisms,... read more

Epidemiology of Sepsis in Turkish ICUs

Delirium in ICU Prevented With Nocturnal Administration of Dexmedetomidine

Low-dose dexmedetomidine administered at night to critically ill adults reduced the incidence of delirium during intensive care unit (ICU) stays and patient-reported sleep quality remained unchanged, according to a study... read more

Delirium in ICU Prevented With Nocturnal Administration of Dexmedetomidine

Weaning from the Ventilator and Extubation in ICU

Current research is focusing on preventing extubation failure, especially in the most challenging cases. The use of weaning protocols – written or computerized – attempts to early identify patients who are able to breathe... read more

Reducing contamination rates in urine samples

Contamination is thought to be a significant problem. Depending on which study you look at, the rates of urine contamination can be 17% or upwards. The standard method of midstream urine collection is for the healthcare professional... read more

Reducing contamination rates in urine samples

One-Year Outcomes in Patients With ARDS

Poor functional recovery after invasive mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome is common. Helmet noninvasive ventilation may be the first intervention that mitigates the long-term complications that... read more

One-Year Outcomes in Patients With ARDS

Incorporating Dynamic Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness Into Goal-Directed Therapy

In adult patients admitted to intensive care who required acute volume resuscitation, goal-directed therapy guided by assessment of fluid responsiveness appears to be associated with reduced mortality, ICU length of stay,... read more

Incorporating Dynamic Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness Into Goal-Directed Therapy