Restricting volumes of resuscitation fluid in adults with septic shock after initial management

A protocol restricting resuscitation fluid successfully reduced volumes of resuscitation fluid compared with a standard care protocol in adult ICU patients with septic shock.... read more

Restricting volumes of resuscitation fluid in adults with septic shock after initial management

Selepressin – An Effective Substitute for Norepinephrine

Selepressin, a novel selective vasopressin V1A agonist, is an effective substitute for norepinephrine in a phase IIa randomized, placebo-controlled trial in septic shock patients. Vasopressin is widely used for vasopressor... read more

Selepressin – An Effective Substitute for Norepinephrine

Controlled Trial to Improve Resident Sign-out in a Medical ICU

Poor sign-out or handover of care may lead to preventable patient harm. Critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICU) are complex and prone to rapid clinical deterioration. If clinical deterioration occurs, timeliness... read more

Controlled Trial to Improve Resident Sign-out in a Medical ICU

Whole Body Hyperthermia Appeared to Reduce Depression Symptoms

Whole-body hyperthermia holds promise as a safe, rapid-acting, antidepressant modality with a prolonged therapeutic benefit. Results from the current study suggest that WBH holds promise as a safe, rapid-acting, antidepressant... read more

Whole Body Hyperthermia Appeared to Reduce Depression Symptoms

Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration

EBUS-TBNA is a safe procedure. The highest complication rate reported is 1.44%. Additionally, the scope damage could be encountered in 1.33% of cases and occasionally the TBNA needle could malfunction. The complications are... read more

Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration

External validation of a biomarker and clinical prediction model for hospital mortality in ARDS

Mortality prediction in ARDS is important for prognostication and risk stratification. However, no prediction models have been independently validated. We validated a mortality prediction model for ARDS that includes age,... read more

External validation of a biomarker and clinical prediction model for hospital mortality in ARDS

Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU (SUP-ICU)

Stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) is standard of care in the intensive care unit (ICU), however the quantity and quality of evidence is low and potential harm has been reported. The aim of the SUP-ICU trial is to asses the overall... read more

Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU (SUP-ICU)

This Startup Could Revolutionize How We Fight Infectious Diseases

Karius Test has raised $50 million to develop a novel technology that can detect more than 1,000 infectious diseases, without requiring the usual trial-and-error tests. The test is expensive at $2,000, and is meant for use... read more

This Startup Could Revolutionize How We Fight Infectious Diseases

External Validity of Electronic Sniffers for Automated Recognition of ARDS

Automated electronic sniffers may be useful for early detection of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) for institution of treatment or clinical trial screening. Published electronic sniffer algorithms for ARDS may... read more

External Validity of Electronic Sniffers for Automated Recognition of ARDS

Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment on Renal Function in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with impaired renal function, but uncertainty exists over whether OSA treatment can influence renal outcomes. Objectives: To determine the effects of continuous positive airway... read more

Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment on Renal Function in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

Direct Oral Anticoagulant- or Warfarin-Related Major Bleeding

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have expanded the armamentarium for antithrombotic therapy. Although DOAC-related major bleeding was associated with favorable outcomes compared with warfarin in clinical trials, warfarin... read more

Direct Oral Anticoagulant- or Warfarin-Related Major Bleeding

Targeted Temperature Management and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

In this randomized clinical trial enrolling 355 adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, there was no significant difference in favorable neurologic outcome at 6 months for those treated for 48 hours (69%) vs 24 hours... read more

Targeted Temperature Management and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Enhancing the Usability of Systematic Reviews by Improving the Consideration and Description of Interventions

The importance of adequate intervention descriptions in minimizing research waste and improving research usability and reproducibility has gained attention in the past few years. Nearly all focus to date has been on intervention... read more

Enhancing the Usability of Systematic Reviews by Improving the Consideration and Description of Interventions

Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Pediatric Critically Ill Patient

This document represents the first collaboration between two organizations, American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and the Society of Critical Care Medicine, to describe best practices in nutrition therapy in... read more

Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Pediatric Critically Ill Patient

Critical Care Reviews Book 2017 (Free eBook)

The 2017 Critical Care Reviews Book seeks to summarize, critique and put in context the best critical care trials of 2016. Five intensivsts working in Northern Ireland have spent the past year writing this edition. This is... read more

Critical Care Reviews Book 2017 (Free eBook)

In Treating Sepsis, Questions About Timing and Mandates

The question of whether Rory's Regulations save lives isn’t asked or answered in the recent study. Sepsis deaths were already decreasing in the United States before the mandate, and determining its contribution to... read more

In Treating Sepsis, Questions About Timing and Mandates

Palliative Care in Advanced HF Makes a Big Difference in Rare Controlled Trial

Patients with end-stage heart failure who received palliative care from an interdisciplinary team, along with usual evidence-based care, significantly improved in functional, psychosocial, and spiritual well-being compared... read more

Palliative Care in Advanced HF Makes a Big Difference in Rare Controlled Trial

Thrombolytics for Stroke: The Evidence

Thrombolytics for stroke: undoubtedly the biggest controversy in emergency medicine. Also, the topic of this week’s Emergency Medicine Cases Journal Jam podcast. Rory Spiegel, Anton Helman, and I take a deep dive into the... read more

Thrombolytics for Stroke: The Evidence

Under-reporting of End-of-life Decisions in Critical Care Trials: A Call to Modify CONSORT Statement

Under-reporting of End-of-life Decisions in Critical Care Trials: A Call to Modify CONSORT Statement... read more

Under-reporting of End-of-life Decisions in Critical Care Trials: A Call to Modify CONSORT Statement

Trials directly comparing alternative spontaneous breathing trial techniques

The effect of alternative spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) techniques on extubation success and other clinically important outcomes is uncertain. Patients undergoing PS (vs T-piece) SBTs appear to be 6% (95% CI 2–10%)... read more

Trials directly comparing alternative spontaneous breathing trial techniques

A Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate the Effect of an Enteral Formulation

A randomized controlled pilot study to evaluate the effect of an enteral formulation designed to improve gastrointestinal tolerance in the critically ill patient - the SPIRIT trial. In this pilot study, we found a high incidence... read more

A Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate the Effect of an Enteral Formulation