NIV Effectiveness in Critical Patients with ARF and Do Not Intubate Order

The prevalence of do-not-intubate (DNI) order was frequent in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) admitted to the ICU, being related to age, comorbidity, frailty and the underlying disease. non-invasive ventilation... read more

Nebulized Furosemide Effect on the Mortality of Mechanically Ventilated ARDS Adult Patients

This RCT tackles an important topic in critical care medicine, which involves a large number of critically ill patients and continues to harbor high mortality despite improvements in management. The results of the study... read more

Reducing Mortality in Critically Ill Patients

This book describes the techniques, strategies, and drugs that have been demonstrated by multicenter randomized trials to influence survival in critically ill patients, defined as those who have acute failure of at least... read more

Reducing Mortality in Critically Ill Patients

Prophylactic NIV Effects on Weaning

The use of prophylactic non-invasive ventilation (NIV) reduced reintubation rates, ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS), and mortality. These findings support the recommendation for its use in daily practice. Rescue... read more

Respiratory Monitoring in Mechanical Ventilation: Techniques and Applications

This book covers the up-to-date advancement of respiratory monitoring in ventilation support as well as detecting the physiological responses to therapeutic interventions to avoid complications. Mechanical ventilation nowadays... read more

Respiratory Monitoring in Mechanical Ventilation: Techniques and Applications

Pirfenidone to Prevent Fibrosis in ARDS

Pulmonary fibrosis is a major complication of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Pirfenidone is an approved treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It may attenuate ARDS-related fibrosis and decrease the... read more

Bedside Procedures in the ICU

This handbook is a guide to best practice in interventions commonly encountered in the ICU. It is clinically orientated providing step-by-step explanations and illustrations of most invasive procedures, check lists to make... read more

Bedside Procedures in the ICU

Airflow Patterns and Adaptive Attachment Ventilation with Deflectors

A novel ventilation mode was introduced and investigated by a series of experiments under isotherm condition, focusing on elucidating the airflow patterns and characteristics associated with this mode. Semi-empirical equations... read more

Oral Health Care and VAP in ICU Patients

Both Zataria Multiflora (ZM) and Chlorhexidine (CHG) and CHG alone reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) incidence and improve the oral health status of mechanically ventilated patients. However, the combination of... read more

Different Anticoagulation Regimens Effectiveness in Critically Ill Patients

This study compared the efficacy of therapeutic anticoagulation guided by anti-Xa levels vs. a D-dimer-based protocol in ICU patients with COVID-19. Given the heightened risk of thrombosis despite anticoagulation therapy... read more

Patients Under Mechanical Ventilation Are Highly Perceptive

This meta-synthesis provides insights into the perception of intensive care patients under Mechanical Ventilation (MV) who are continuously observing their own lives. This process is complex and involves a highly differentiated... read more

Electrical Impedance Tomography for PEEP Titration in ARDS Patients

ARDS patients may benefit from electrical impedance tomography (EIT)-guided positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration. The real-time bedside assessment of regional ventilation provided by EIT may result in improved... read more

Basics of Mechanical Ventilation

This book is a practical and easily understandable guide for mechanical ventilation. With a focus on the basics, this text begins with a detailed account of the mechanisms of spontaneous breathing as a reference point to... read more

Basics of Mechanical Ventilation

Central vs. Peripheral VA-ECMO Cannulation on Postoperative Graft Dysfunction in Lung Transplantation

Lung transplantation (LTx) is the definitive treatment for end-stage pulmonary diseases, with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) used as a common perioperative support. However, it remains unclear... read more

Predicting Sudden Decrease in Oxygenation in Mechanically Ventilated ICU Patients as a Surrogate Marker for ARDS

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening form of respiratory failure characterized by widespread lung inflammation that severely impairs oxygenation. Affecting millions of patients worldwide, ARDS... read more

APRV vs. BIPAP Ventilation in COVID-19 Associated ARDS

Despite of higher mean tidal volumes and higher mean airway pressures in airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) vs. biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP), both modes did not present an increased risk of volu- or barotrauma... read more

Early Weaning From Invasive Mechanical Ventilation via HFNO vs. Conventional Weaning in ARF Patients

In patients with resolving acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (ARF), early extubation with high flow nasal oxygen is feasible and provides a better alternative to conventional weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation,... read more

New Insights: Mortality in Nosocomial Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

This multicenter, multinational study conducted in Europe and Latin America sheds light on the clinical landscape of nLRTI, which continues to be an essential issue in the context of critical care. We provide insights... read more

Single Lumen vs. Double Lumen Endotracheal Tube For Postoperative Swallowing Function in Lung Transplantation Patients

BackgroundThis study was conducted to investigate the effect of endotracheal tube type on post operative dysphagia in patients undergoing lung transplant surgery. Will patients who are intubated with a single lumen endotracheal... read more

Transtracheal Ultrasound as a Preventive Tool for Endotracheal Tube Malpositioning in the ICU

Endotracheal tube (ETT) malpositioning can result in a myriad of complications. Daily chest radiographs (CXR) is the gold standard in monitoring these complications. Point-of-care transtracheal ultrasound (TTUS) is an emerging... read more

The Advanced Ventilator Book

The Advanced Ventilator Book is a companion to the best-selling The Ventilator Book and is written for clinicians who already have a solid foundation in the basics of mechanical ventilation. It goes beyond the ventilator... read more

The Advanced Ventilator Book

Factors Associated with Delayed Extubation in Post Cardiac Surgery Patients

The process of extubation is a crucial phase in postoperative care. By comprehending the elements that impact DE, healthcare providers can effectively allocate medical resources to enhance the success of weaning, extubation,... read more