Effect of Bag-Mask Ventilation vs Endotracheal Intubation During CPR on Neurological Outcome After OHCA


Among patients with out-of-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest (OHCA), the use of BMV compared with ETI failed to demonstrate noninferiority or inferiority for survival with favorable 28-day neurological function, an inconclusive result. A determination of equivalence or superiority between these techniques requires further research. This study has several limitations. First, the presence of a physician in the ambulance team may make the results of this study less relevant for designing strategies for US-based EMS systems, where the number and training of available clinicians at the out-of-hospital resuscitation scene clearly differ. However, airway management during CPR in patients with OHCA, and the choice of the best-suited approach, is common to all systems, particularly in countries where paramedics also perform tracheal intubation regularly. A total of 2043 patients were enrolled during the study. Of those, 1020 patients were enrolled in the BMV group and 1023 in the ETI group.

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