Glucose Variability as Measured by Inter-measurement Percentage Change is Predictive of In-patient Mortality in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Reduced glucose variability is highly correlated with in-patient survival and long-term mortality in subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients. This finding was observed in the non-diabetic and well-controlled diabetic patients, suggesting a possible benefit for personalized glucose targets based on baseline HbA1c and minimizing variability.
The inter-measure percentage change as an indicator of glucose variability is not only predictive of outcome, but is an easy-to-use tool that could be implemented in future clinical trials.
In a multiple regression analysis, nearly all forms of glucose variability calculations were found to be correlated with in-patient mortality.
The consecutive absolute percentage change, however, was most predictive: OR 5.2 for percentage change and 8.8 for median change, when controlling for the defined predictors.
Survival to ICU discharge was associated with lower glucose variability compared with the group that did not survive to discharge.