Prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation duration and neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest among children by location of arrest

A longer prehospital EMS CPR duration is independently associated with a lower proportion of patients with a favorable neurological outcome.

The association between prehospital EMS CPR duration and neurological outcome differed significantly by location of arrests.

The proportion of patients with a favorable neurological outcome was lower in residential locations than in public locations.

In both univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses, the proportion of patients with a favorable neurological outcome decreased as prehospital EMS CPR duration increased, regardless of the location of arrests.

All survivors were followed for up to 1 month after the OHCA event by the EMS providers in charge. The neurological outcome was determined by the physician responsible for the care of the patient by a follow-up interview 1 month after successful resuscitation using the cerebral performance category (CPC) scale.

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