Tag: blood thinning
Risk of Serious Blood Clots Up To 6 Months After COVID-19
A study from Sweden finds an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in the leg) up to three months after COVID-19 infection, pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lung) up to six months, and a bleeding event... read more

The Blood-Clot Problem Is Multiplying
For weeks, Americans looked on as other countries grappled with case reports of rare, sometimes fatal blood abnormalities among those who had received the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19. That vaccine has not yet... read more

An overview of the current AstraZeneca vaccine situation in Europe
On Thursday, March 11, 2021, Denmark suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine (developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford) completely. Some other European countries followed suit. This prompted an investigation... read more

NIH ACTIV trial of blood thinners pauses enrollment of critically ill COVID-19 patients
Three clinical trial platforms working together to test the effects of full doses of anticoagulants (blood thinners) in COVID-19 patients have paused enrollment for one group of patients. Among critically ill COVID-19... read more

Blood Thinners May Improve Survival Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
Treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients with anticoagulants--blood thinners that slow down clotting--may improve their chances of survival, researchers from the Mount Sinai COVID Informatics Center report. The study,... read more

Newer blood thinning drugs safer for reducing atrial fibrillation
Although warfarin has been used for nearly 60 years, researchers say newer blood thinners are a better option for lowering stroke risk among atrial fibrillation patients because they work for a shorter time with fewer side... read more