Cardiac Injury in COVID-19

Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can present with a large panel of cardiac manifestations, including myocardial infarction with (type 1) or without (type 2) obstructive coronary artery disease, arterial or... read more

Cardiac Injury in COVID-19

Diaphragm Dysfunction After Cardiac Surgery

Symptomatic diaphragmatic dysfunction was found in 7.6% of patients after cardiac surgery. It led to an increase of respiratory complications, such as pneumonia, prolonged ventilation, and intensive care. Coronary bypass... read more

Diaphragm Dysfunction After Cardiac Surgery

Serum markers of brain injury can predict good neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Low levels of brain injury markers in blood are associated with good neurological outcome after CA. Incorporating biomarkers into neuroprognostication may help prevent premature withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy. Retrospective... read more

Serum markers of brain injury can predict good neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Mythbusting: (Empty IVC + Hyperkinetic Heart) Does Not Equal Volume Depletion

An empty IVC and hyperkinetic heart does not equal volume depletion. This combination of echocardiographic findings may result from either vasodilatory shock (as illustrated above) or hypovolemic shock. If encountered in... read more

Mythbusting: (Empty IVC + Hyperkinetic Heart) Does Not Equal Volume Depletion

Cardiac Markers Implication in Risk-stratification and Management for COVID-19 Patients

COVID-19 patients with pre-existing coronary artery disease represented a higher abnormal percentage of cardiac markers, accompanied by high mortality and ICU admission rate. BNP together with hs-TNI, α- HBDH, CK-MB and... read more

Cardiac Markers Implication in Risk-stratification and Management for COVID-19 Patients

Sedation with Midazolam After Cardiac Surgery in Children with and without Down Syndrome

The majority of children with and without Down syndrome required additional sedation after cardiac surgery. This pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis does not provide evidence for different dosing of midazolam in... read more

Sedation with Midazolam After Cardiac Surgery in Children with and without Down Syndrome

Prior Exposure to Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers in Patients With Septic Shock to Individualize Mean Arterial Pressure Target?

Our results suggest that patients with septic shock and chronic hypertension treated with angiotensin II receptor blocker may benefit from a high mean arterial pressure target to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury occurrence. We... read more

Prior Exposure to Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers in Patients With Septic Shock to Individualize Mean Arterial Pressure Target?

Increase in PI during PLR detects a positive response of the PLR test

An increase in perfusion index (PI) during passive leg raising (PLR) by 9% accurately detects a positive response of the PLR test. Three patients were excluded because the plethysmography signal was absent and 3 other... read more

Increase in PI during PLR detects a positive response of the PLR test

Resumption of Cardiac Activity after Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Measures

After withdrawal of life-sustaining measures, transient resumption of at least one cycle of cardiac activity after pulselessness occurred in 14% of patients according to retrospective analysis of waveforms; only 1% of such... read more

Resumption of Cardiac Activity after Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Measures

Single Troponin Testing in ED Patients With Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction

One of the most common reasons for Emergency Department (ED) visits is chest pain. While most of these presentations are at a low risk for cardiac events, it is generally required to perform a full work-up to rule out an... read more

Single Troponin Testing in ED Patients With Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction

Pediatric Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ELSO Guidelines

Survival rates with good neurologic outcomes following conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for cardiopulmonary arrest, either in the in-hospital (IH) or out-of-hospital settings, have improved but remain poor... read more

Pediatric Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ELSO Guidelines

Management of Neonates With Tetralogy of Fallot

What are the differences in outcomes between a strategy of staged repair (SR) (initial palliation [IP] and subsequent complete repair [CR]) as compared with primary repair (PR) for infants with symptomatic tetralogy of Fallot... read more

Management of Neonates With Tetralogy of Fallot

Long-Term Implications of Abnormal Left Ventricular Strain During Sepsis

Among patients with sepsis and pre-existing cardiac disease who survived to ICU discharge, left ventricular global longitudinal systolic strain demonstrated a U-shaped association with cardiovascular outcomes through 24 months.... read more

Long-Term Implications of Abnormal Left Ventricular Strain During Sepsis

Is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Futile in COVID-19 Patients Experiencing In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest?

COVID-19 patients suffering from in-hospital cardiac arrest had 100% in-hospital mortality regardless of the baseline comorbidities, presenting illness severity, and location of arrest. Out of 1,094 patients hospitalized... read more

Is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Futile in COVID-19 Patients Experiencing In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest?

Two-Step Imputation and AdaBoost-Based Classification for Early Prediction of Sepsis on Imbalanced Clinical Data

Sepsis is a life-threatening response to infection that causes tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Effective early prediction of sepsis would improve patients’ diagnosis and reduce the cost associated with late-stage... read more

Two-Step Imputation and AdaBoost-Based Classification for Early Prediction of Sepsis on Imbalanced Clinical Data

ECG Pointers: Cocaine and ST Elevation

This ECG comes from a 21-year-old male with a history of cocaine abuse.  When I say ‘history’, I mean that he just snorted some cocaine and now he has chest pain.  He looks uncomfortable and sweaty, and keeps... read more

ECG Pointers: Cocaine and ST Elevation

Impact of implantation time on early function of cardiac transplant

Data on out-of-ice implantation ischemia in heart transplant are scarce. We examined implantation time's impact on allograft dysfunction.METHODS: We conducted a single-site retrospective review of all primary adult heart... read more

Impact of implantation time on early function of cardiac transplant

Cardiothoracic Critical Care

This new bedside manual guides you through all the practical aspects of managing patients following cardiothoracic surgery and critically ill cardiology patients. Primarily designed to use in cardiothoracic intensive care... read more

Cardiothoracic Critical Care

Monitoring of the Adult Patient on VA ECMO

Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO), a form of mechanical circulatory support, had its origins in the operating room as cardiopulmonary bypass and has evolved for use in the intensive care unit and... read more

Monitoring of the Adult Patient on VA ECMO

Consequences of Cardiopulmonary Bypass: What the Intensivist Needs to Know

Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is common for most cardiac surgeries. CPB drains blood from the heart and returns it to the proximal systemic circulation allowing perfusion during the operative period. It was pioneered in 1951... read more

Consequences of Cardiopulmonary Bypass: What the Intensivist Needs to Know

Pulse Wave Analysis to Estimate Cardiac Output

Cardiac output (CO)–guided therapy is a promising approach to hemodynamic management in high-risk patients having major surgery and in critically ill patients with circulatory shock. Pulmonary artery thermodilution remains... read more

Pulse Wave Analysis to Estimate Cardiac Output

Angiotensin II in Post Cardiopulmonary Bypass Vasoplegia

Post cardiopulmonary bypass vasoplegia is common, and associated with poor outcomes. Traditional management strategies involving escalating doses of catecholamines, vasopressin and adjuncts such as methylene blue and hydroxycobalamin... read more

Angiotensin II in Post Cardiopulmonary Bypass Vasoplegia