Enteric Gram-negative Infections on Lung Transplant Clinical Outcomes

Lung transplant recipients (LTR) with more complicated post-operative courses were more likely to develop enteric gram-negative (GNR) infections which led to increased post-transplant morbidities. Pre-transplant GNR colonization... read more

Bedside Tunneled Dialysis Catheter Program Development and Implementation

The placement of ultrasound guided tunneled dialysis catheters at the bedside following a pre-procedural evaluation of the right jugular, brachiocephalic, and femoral veins is a safe option resulting in expedited patient... read more

Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis

This book covers all key aspects of critical care in pediatric nephrology, including acute dialysis in sick children. It also provides detailed protocols for managing fluid and electrolyte balance and dialysis in children... read more

Critical Care Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis

Plasma Bioactive Adrenomedullin Predicts Mortality and Need for Dialysis in Critical COVID-19

In this study, serial bio-ADM samples in the ICU had limited predictive power for mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients when looking at absolute values. Still, relative changes over time showed a much better prediction.... read more

Association of Vancomycin Plus Piperacillin-tazobactam with Early Changes in Creatinine vs. Cystatin C

Although dozens of studies have associated vancomycin + piperacillin–tazobactam with increased acute kidney injury (AKI) risk, it is unclear whether the association represents true injury or a pseudotoxicity characterized... read more

Association of Vancomycin Plus Piperacillin-tazobactam with Early Changes in Creatinine vs. Cystatin C

Bedside Procedures for the Intensivist

Bedside Procedures for the Intensivist delivers practical tips and clear, step-by-step instruction on the most common procedures in the ICU. The convenient and portable handbook focuses on ultrasound-guided techniques, including... read more

Bedside Procedures for the Intensivist

A Cold Case of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

A 61-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure (s/p PPM/ICD), pulmonary embolism (on warfarin), end-stage renal disease (on HD via right internal... read more

A Cold Case of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

Principles of Intensive Care, CCU, ICU and Dialysis (Book 1): Vascular Access, ICU and Drug Treatment, Hemodynamic Monitoring

Anesthesia and intensive care are one of the most important disciplines in medical, paramedical and nursing sciences and requires spending attention, time, gaining enough information and experience to be able to evaluate... read more

Principles of Intensive Care, CCU, ICU and Dialysis (Book 1): Vascular Access, ICU and Drug Treatment, Hemodynamic Monitoring

Remdesivir Treatment for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Canada

Remdesivir, when compared with standard of care, has a modest but significant effect on outcomes important to patients and health systems, such as the need for mechanical ventilation. Across 52 Canadian hospitals, we randomized... read more

Remdesivir Treatment for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Canada

No Such Thing As a Simple Sedation Case

In my CA-2 year I encountered an elderly gentleman who needed an angiogram of his dialysis fistula. After starting the propofol infusion I placed an oral airway because his tongue obstructed his breathing by flipping back... read more

No Such Thing As a Simple Sedation Case

Management of late onset urea cycle disorders-a remaining challenge for the intensivist?

Awareness of urea cycle disorders in adults intensive care units can optimize early management and accordingly dramatically improve prognosis. By preventing hyperammonemia to induce brain edema and herniation leading to death. Hyperammonemia... read more

Management of late onset urea cycle disorders-a remaining challenge for the intensivist?

Association of Initiation of Dialysis with Hospital Length of Stay and Intensity of Care in Older Adults With Kidney Failure

In this cohort study, compared with non-dialysis care, patients who received maintenance dialysis spent more time in the hospital and were more likely to be admitted to intensive care units. This finding suggests trade-offs... read more

Association of Initiation of Dialysis with Hospital Length of Stay and Intensity of Care in Older Adults With Kidney Failure

Distance Between the Tips of Central Venous Catheters Does Not Depend on Same or Opposite Site Access

Central venous catheters (CVCs) are routinely required in the intensive care unit (ICU) for infusion of drugs, often concurrently with central venous dialysis catheters (CVDCs) for renal replacement therapy (RRT). Increased... read more

Distance Between the Tips of Central Venous Catheters Does Not Depend on Same or Opposite Site Access

Ultrasound-based Clinical Profiles for Predicting the Risk of Intradialytic Hypotension in Critically Ill Patients on Intermittent Dialysis

In critically ill patients on intermittent hemodialysis, the absence of hypervolemia as assessed by lung and vena cava ultrasound predisposes to intradialytic hypotension and suggests alternative techniques of hemodialysis... read more

Ultrasound-based Clinical Profiles for Predicting the Risk of Intradialytic Hypotension in Critically Ill Patients on Intermittent Dialysis

Association Between Intravenous Contrast Media Exposure and Non-recovery From Dialysis-requiring Septic AKI

This large observational study did not support an association between intravenous contrast media and adverse in-hospital outcomes in patients with septic dialysis-requiring acute kidney injury (AKI-D). Further studies are... read more

Association Between Intravenous Contrast Media Exposure and Non-recovery From Dialysis-requiring Septic AKI

Estimated Effects of Early Diuretic Use in Critical Illness

The main objectives of this study was to estimate the effects of diuretic use during the first 24 hours of an ICU stay on in-hospital mortality and other clinical outcomes including acute kidney injury (AKI) and duration... read more

Estimated Effects of Early Diuretic Use in Critical Illness

Tigecycline in Critically Ill Patients on Continuous RRT

Despite high dialysability, dialysis clearance displayed only a minor contribution to tigecycline elimination, being in the range of renal elimination in patients without AKI. No dose adjustment of tigecycline seems necessary... read more

Tigecycline in Critically Ill Patients on Continuous RRT

Vitamin Treatment For Sepsis Is Put To The Test

Dr. Jonathan Sevransky was intrigued when he heard that a well-known physician in Virginia had reported remarkable results from a simple treatment for sepsis. Could the leading cause of death in hospitals really be treated... read more

Vitamin Treatment For Sepsis Is Put To The Test

pH-guided Fluid Resuscitation and BICAR-ICU

The use of bicarbonate is a source of eternal disagreement. Bicarbonate has a shameful history of being abused in situations where it's unhelpful (e.g. cardiac arrest). This has impugned its reputation, giving it an aura... read more

pH-guided Fluid Resuscitation and BICAR-ICU

Pharmacokinetics of meropenem in septic patients on sustained low-efficiency dialysis

The aim of the study was to describe the population pharmacokinetics (PK) of meropenem in critically ill patients receiving sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED). We found a relevant PK variability for meropenem in patients... read more

Pharmacokinetics of meropenem in septic patients on sustained low-efficiency dialysis

Is Intravenous Administration of Iodixanol Associated with Increased Risk of AKI, Dialysis, or Mortality?

Among patients at the highest perceived risk of post-contrast Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), intravenous administration of iodixanol for contrast material enhanced CT was not an independent risk factor for AKI, dialysis, or... read more

Is Intravenous Administration of Iodixanol Associated with Increased Risk of AKI, Dialysis, or Mortality?

Persistent Gaps in Use of Advance Directives Among Nursing Home Residents Receiving Maintenance Dialysis

Patients with end-stage renal disease receiving dialysis have a symptom burden and prognosis comparable to patients with incurable cancer. They frequently and increasingly receive intensive procedures near the end of life.... read more

Persistent Gaps in Use of Advance Directives Among Nursing Home Residents Receiving Maintenance Dialysis