Low Blood Glucose Levels In Hospitalized Patients Linked To Increased Mortality Risk

Low Blood Glucose Levels In Hospitalized Patients Linked To Increased Mortality Risk

Mortality risk was higher in insulin-treated patients with moderate hypoglycemia (40-70 mg/dL), compared to patients without insulin treatment with similar glucose values.... read more

Insulin resistance reversed by removal of protein

Insulin resistance reversed by removal of protein

By removing the protein galectin-3 (Gal3), a team of investigators led by University of California School of Medicine researchers were able to reverse diabetic insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in mouse models of... read more

Dose of dextrose gel lowers risk of low blood sugar in newborns

Dose of dextrose gel lowers risk of low blood sugar in newborns

A single dose of dextrose gel, rubbed inside a newborn's mouth an hour after birth, can lower their risk of developing neonatal hypoglycaemia.... read more