Impact of Short-Acting Beta-Blockers on the Outcomes of Septic Shock Patients

In patients with septic shock, short-acting beta-blockers may improve survival and reduce new-onset tachyarrhythmias. However, these findings were based on low certainty evidence and given ongoing concerns regarding adverse... read more

Mini Bronchoalveolar Lavage vs. Endo-Tracheal Aspirate in Diagnosing Bacterial Pneumonia in ICU

This study supports the use of endotracheal aspirate (ETA) as a cost-effective and efficient alternative to mBAL for the diagnosis of pneumonia in intubated ICU patients, particularly in settings where resources are limited.... read more

ARF Caused by Penicillium Marneffei Infection After Kidney Transplantation

Penicillium Marneffei (PM) infections often present with nonspecific clinical manifestations, and severe respiratory failure (ARF) after infection is particularly uncommon. This case report a patient who developed severe... read more

Protocolized Fluid Balance Neutralization During CRRT

Bitker et al. report the GO NEUTRAL randomized clinical trial results, which investigated fluid balance neutralization guided by functional hemodynamic monitoring (FHM) protocol versus a standard of care in critically ill... read more

The Paracetamol Challenge in ICU

Paracetamol is one of the most widely prescribed medications in critically ill patients. Our intensive care unit (ICU) administered 50.133 g of paracetamol in 2023 (16.230 intravenous [IV] doses, 33.825 oral doses and 78... read more

UFNET Fluid Removal Strategy Secured by Hemodynamic Monitoring vs. Standard of Care in patients with CRRT

An early and active UFNET strategy secured by an advanced hemodynamic protocol using dynamic indices of preload dependence had the capacity to control H72 FB in an ICU population of patients with acute circulatory failure,... read more

Fluid boluses and infusions in the early phase of resuscitation from septic shock and sepsis-induced hypotension

Fluid administration is the first line treatment in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with sepsis and septic shock. While fluid boluses administration can be titrated by predicting preload dependency, the amount of other... read more

Efficacy of β-Blockers in Decreasing Mortality in Sepsis and Septic Shock Patients

This study suggests that the use of β-blockers in sepsis and septic shock patients is associated with a significant decrease in in-hospital mortality and also associated with better patient outcomes. As β-blockers cause... read more

Risk Factors of Post-intubation Hypotension in Severe Pneumonia Patients

Post-intubation hypotension (PIH) was one of the serious complications after Endotracheal intubation (ETI) in Severe pneumonia (SP) patients. The risk factors of PIH were investigated in SP patients to provide a theoretical... read more

Hydroxocobalamin Treatment for Vasoplegia-associated Shock

Vasoplegia is generally defined as prolonged vasodilation due to a pathological decrease in systemic vascular resistance, which causes persistent hypotension even in the setting of normal or increased cardiac output. Vasoplegia... read more

Hydroxocobalamin Treatment for Vasoplegia-associated Shock

Damage Control Resuscitation: Identification and Treatment of Life-Threatening Hemorrhage

This book provides a comprehensive overview of damage control resuscitation (DCR), an evidence-based approach to the resuscitation of patients with severe life-threatening hemorrhage (LTH). It focuses on both civilian... read more

Damage Control Resuscitation: Identification and Treatment of Life-Threatening Hemorrhage

A Global Perspective on AKI After Major Surgery

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an abrupt decline in kidney function occurring within hours or days. In patients having surgery, postoperative AKI is a major complication associated with adverse outcomes including mortality.... read more

A Global Perspective on AKI After Major Surgery

Tracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults: Video vs. Direct Laryngoscopy

Successful intubation on the first attempt occurred in 600 out of 705 patients (85.1%) in the video-laryngoscope group and 504 out of 712 (70.8%) in the direct-laryngoscope group (ARR, 14.3%; 95% CI, 9.9 to 18.7; p... read more

Tracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults: Video vs. Direct Laryngoscopy

Early Control of Elevated Blood Pressure – INTERACT3

Early control of elevated blood pressure is the most promising treatment for acute intracerebral hemorrhage. We aimed to establish whether implementing a goal-directed care bundle incorporating protocols for early intensive... read more

Early Control of Elevated Blood Pressure – INTERACT3

Ground-breaking New AI Technology for Severe Sepsis Rapid Identification

ASEP Medical Holdings Inc. announced the ground-breaking use of artificial intelligence (AI) to rapidly identify infections at increased risk of severe sepsis. The method was developed by the Hancock Lab, under the guidance... read more

Ground-breaking New AI Technology for Severe Sepsis Rapid Identification

Fluid Therapy for Critically Ill Adults with Sepsis

Fluids are an important component of treating patients who are critically ill with sepsis. Although optimal fluid management in patients with sepsis remains uncertain, clinicians should consider the risks and benefits of... read more

Fluid Therapy for Critically Ill Adults with Sepsis

Prostacyclin Anticoagulation Efficacy in Critically Ill Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Support

Extracorporeal support modalities are highly prothrombotic. Anticoagulation is frequently used for patients receiving Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS), and Extracorporeal... read more

Prostacyclin Anticoagulation Efficacy in Critically Ill Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Support

Immediate Norepinephrine vs. Initial Fluid Loading

In endotoxemic shock, immediate start of norepinephrine significantly improved regional splanchnic and intestinal microcirculatory flows when compared with mandatory fixed-dose fluid loading preceding norepinephrine. Immediate... read more

Immediate Norepinephrine vs. Initial Fluid Loading

Prehospital IV Fluid Management in Severely Injured Trauma Patients

Weak, primarily observational evidence suggests that standard fluid resuscitation has no significant mortality benefit over restricting/withholding IV fluids in the context of severe/hypotensive trauma. This review adds... read more

Prehospital IV Fluid Management in Severely Injured Trauma Patients

Clinical Cases in Critical Care

In Clinical Cases in Critical Care, the authors explore core clinical topics and basic sciences in a practical and realistic way, and include comprehensive discussions focusing on critically unwell patients with a variety... read more

Clinical Cases in Critical Care

Improving Intubation Performance with Airway Registries

Airway registries are used as a crucial tool to monitor and improve intubation performance and patient care. ED airway registries inform and document the efficacy of quality improvement initiatives to improve intubation performance... read more

Improving Intubation Performance with Airway Registries

Dexmedetomidine, Almost As Many Uses As There Are Letters

There is literature to support the use of dexmedetomidine in patients with sympathomimetic toxidrome. It may be a reasonable approach to utilize Dex, with or without a bolus, while closely monitoring these patients in an... read more

Dexmedetomidine, Almost As Many Uses As There Are Letters