Risk of AKI After Intravenous Contrast Media Administration

In the largest well-controlled study of acute kidney injury (AKI) following contrast administration in the ED to date, intravenous contrast was not associated with an increased frequency of acute kidney injury. Rates of acute... read more

Risk of AKI After Intravenous Contrast Media Administration

A Better Way to Detect Sepsis in Kids in the ED

We have been interested in this question for a long time here at CHOP and have done several interventions over the past several years to try to improve our ability to recognize children with septic shock. When we started... read more

A Better Way to Detect Sepsis in Kids in the ED

A multicenter, randomized trial of a checklist for endotracheal intubation of critically ill adults

The verbal performance of a written, pre-procedure checklist does not increase the lowest arterial oxygen saturation or lowest systolic blood pressure during endotracheal intubation of critically ill adults compared to usual... read more

A multicenter, randomized trial of a checklist for endotracheal intubation of critically ill adults

Low-volume Resuscitation with Normal Saline is Associated with Microvascular Endothelial Dysfunction After Hemorrhage

Low-volume resuscitation with normal saline is associated with microvascular endothelial dysfunction after hemorrhage in rats, compared to colloids and balanced crystalloids. Resuscitation with NS failed to inhibit syndecan-1... read more

Low-volume Resuscitation with Normal Saline is Associated with Microvascular Endothelial Dysfunction After Hemorrhage

Video vs direct laryngoscopy in the ICU: are we asking the right question?

Endotracheal intubation in the operating room (OR) and the ICU are different procedures, but this is not always recognized. The ICU patient should be evaluated as a physiologically difficult airway, in contrast to the traditional... read more

Video vs direct laryngoscopy in the ICU: are we asking the right question?

Blood pressure deficits in acute kidney injury: not all about the mean arterial pressure?

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Although there are many causes of AKI, it is known that patients undergoing high-risk surgery are known to be at significant risk. Although much... read more

Blood pressure deficits in acute kidney injury: not all about the mean arterial pressure?

Post Intubation Hypotension: The AH SHITE mnemonic

Here is a crowd sourced approach that will allow most etiologies of post intubation hypotension to be identified: The AH SHITE mnemonic is something that you can quickly run through en route to the patient’s room, or at... read more

Post Intubation Hypotension: The AH SHITE mnemonic

Ketamine: A Drug at War with Itself

KETAMINE has always been the odd one out. Like an eccentric uncle who always turns up at the holiday season with a new partner, ketamine has never really comfortably fitted in to simple classifications of anesthetic drugs.... read more

Ketamine: A Drug at War with Itself