Postoperative Liver Dysfunction After Lung Transplantation with Extracorporeal Life Support and 1-year Mortality

In this retrospective cohort study, we identified an elevated 1-year mortality rate among patients who developed postoperative liver dysfunction, as defined by the presence of HLD, DILI-like symptoms, and cholestasis subsequent... read more

Establishment and Validation of a Risk Prediction Model for Sepsis-Associated Liver Injury in ICU Patients

This novel nomogram effectively predicts SALI risk in sepsis patients by integrating readily available clinical parameters. While external validation is needed, the model shows promise as a practical tool for early risk stratification,... read more

Pediatric Liver Intensive Care

Acute management of children with liver disease and liver transplantation has rapidly evolved over the last two decades due to worldwide availability of complex liver surgery and liver transplantation. This book edited... read more

Pediatric Liver Intensive Care

Liver Dysfunction and COVID-19 Infection

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection is the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which predominantly affects the respiratory system; it also causes systemic and multi-organic disease. Liver... read more

Liver Dysfunction and COVID-19 Infection

Acute Liver Failure: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Management

Although acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare clinical presentation in the ED, it carries a high mortality, morbidity, and resource cost. Across the developing world, the underlying etiology is primarily viral, with hepatitis... read more

Acute Liver Failure: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Management

Artificial Liver Support in Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Liver support systems such as MARS and TPE may temporarily improve systemic hemodynamics and the degree of encephalopathy. However, TPE is the only procedure that improves survival in patients with ALF. The role of TPE in... read more

Artificial Liver Support in Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Protocol-based Invasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Acute Liver Failure

Acute liver failure (ALF) may result in elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). While invasive ICP monitoring (IICPM) may have a role in ALF management, these patients are typically coagulopathic and at risk for intracranial... read more

Protocol-based Invasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Acute Liver Failure

Acetaminophen, Among Other Medications, Triggers Drug-Induced Liver Injury

More than 1,000 medications, with acetaminophen being the most common, have been associated with drug-induced liver injury (DILI). Diagnosis can be challenging due to the multitude of contributing factors, and timely recognition... read more

Acetaminophen, Among Other Medications, Triggers Drug-Induced Liver Injury

Metformin Associated with Reduced Mortality in CKD, CHF, and CLD

Metformin is currently the suggested initial treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United States. In the past, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not recommend metformin for patients with chronic kidney... read more

Metformin Associated with Reduced Mortality in CKD, CHF, and CLD

New Study on Molecular Mechanisms Involved in RILF

Reversible infantile liver failure (RILF) is a heritable mitochondrial condition that causes severe liver dysfunction in infancy, but those who survive the acute stage typically recover and have no further problems. In work... read more

New Study on Molecular Mechanisms Involved in RILF

Nearly half of patients readmitted after liver transplant

Nearly half of patients were readmitted to the hospital within 90 days of liver transplantation, according to a single-center retrospective study.... read more

Nearly half of patients readmitted after liver transplant

Artificial pancreas could save lives

An Asheville doctor-and-son team have an idea they say could save at least 100,000 lives a year. Leon and Jeremy DeJournett have patented an artificial pancreas, a system that uses a form of artificial intelligence to ensure... read more

Artificial pancreas could save lives