Postoperative Liver Dysfunction After Lung Transplantation with Extracorporeal Life Support and 1-year Mortality

In this retrospective cohort study, we identified an elevated 1-year mortality rate among patients who developed postoperative liver dysfunction, as defined by the presence of HLD, DILI-like symptoms, and cholestasis subsequent... read more

Citrate Anticoagulation for CRRT

Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) is a viable option for liver failure patients. The pro-posed inducible metabolic pathway hypothesis challenges the belief in hepatic dominance over citrate metabolism during RCA-CRRT.... read more

Role of N-Acetylcysteine in Non-acetaminophen-related Acute Liver Failure

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is well known to emergency medicine physicians as the antidote in acute acetaminophen ingestion. The scope of use for this medication beyond that is often not considered, such as in other etiologies... read more

Role of N-Acetylcysteine in Non-acetaminophen-related Acute Liver Failure

Acute on Chronic Liver Failure in the ICU

Liver Failure may constitute one of the least favorite disease processes for anyone routinely taking care of critically ill patients. Intensivist and hepatology circles have begun to describe a specific population known as... read more

Acute on Chronic Liver Failure in the ICU

Correction and Control of Hyperammonemia in Acute Liver Failure

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is associated with reduced ammonia concentrations in acute liver failure patients. This effect is related to greater cumulative dose. These findings suggest that continuous... read more

Correction and Control of Hyperammonemia in Acute Liver Failure

Acute Liver Failure: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Management

Although acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare clinical presentation in the ED, it carries a high mortality, morbidity, and resource cost. Across the developing world, the underlying etiology is primarily viral, with hepatitis... read more

Acute Liver Failure: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Management

Artificial Liver Support in Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Liver support systems such as MARS and TPE may temporarily improve systemic hemodynamics and the degree of encephalopathy. However, TPE is the only procedure that improves survival in patients with ALF. The role of TPE in... read more

Artificial Liver Support in Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

New Study on Molecular Mechanisms Involved in RILF

Reversible infantile liver failure (RILF) is a heritable mitochondrial condition that causes severe liver dysfunction in infancy, but those who survive the acute stage typically recover and have no further problems. In work... read more

New Study on Molecular Mechanisms Involved in RILF