Tag: monitoring
The Importance of Accurate Glucose Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients
Critically ill patients are not found just in intensive care units, but throughout the hospital: emergency departments, post-anaesthesia care units, operating rooms, and many other environments now care for the critically... read more

Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 in Children
Results identify children at potentially higher risk of severe disease who may benefit from COVID-19 prevention efforts, including vaccination. Rates of severe COVID-19 establish a baseline for monitoring changes in pediatric... read more

Waveform Capnography in the Intubated Patient
Waveform capnography is emerging as a standard monitoring tool to improve safety among intubated patients. Failure to use waveform capnography contributed to >70% of ICU-related airway deaths in the NAP4 audit. Capnography... read more

Impact of ABCDE Bundle Implementation in the ICU on Specific Patient Costs
Full ABCDE bundle implementation resulted in a decrease in total hospital laboratory costs and total hospital laboratory and diagnostic resource utilization while leading to an increase in physical therapy costs. The full... read more

Should We Prolong the Observation Period for Neurological Recovery After Cardiac Arrest?
Up to 9.6% of cardiac arrest patients with favorable outcomes recover consciousness after the recommended 7 days of observation, indicating the observation time of 7 days seems justified but longer duration may be needed.... read more

Diaphragm Ultrasonography in ICU: Why, How, and When To Use It?
An overview of the principles and current applications of diaphragm ultrasound and innovative ultrasound-based techniques. In the ICU, ultrasound is starting to be acknowledged as a useful tool for studying the diaphragm.... read more

ICP Monitoring in Patients with Acute Brain Injury
The use of intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring and ICP management varies greatly across centres and countries. The use of ICP monitoring might be associated with a more intensive therapeutic approach and with lower 6-month... read more

Standardized post-resuscitation damage assessment of two mechanical chest compression devices
The LUCAS 2 device shows superior resuscitation outcomes and less thoracic injuries compared to Corpuls cpr when used for experimental CPR in juvenile pigs. Researchers should be aware that different mCCDs for experimental... read more

Health Systems Successfully Leverage Tele-ICU During Pandemic and Intend to Continue
Help during the pandemic for overwhelmed, overworked intensive care unit (ICU) nurses at some health systems came in the form of experienced tele-ICU nurses working remotely to support on-site colleagues as they cared for... read more

Clinical strategies for implementing lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation
Mechanical ventilation may have adverse effects on both the lung and the diaphragm. Injury to the lung is mediated by excessive mechanical stress and strain, whereas the diaphragm develops atrophy as a consequence of low... read more

Virtual Reality Tailored to the Needs of Post-ICU Patients
ICU-specific virtual reality appears safe and more immersive than 2D, implicating that ICU-specific virtual reality is feasible for clinical use. One should however be aware of simulator sickness-related symptoms. Future... read more

A Practical Integrated Radiomics Model Predicting COVID-19 Hospitalization
It has been widely demonstrated that radiological imaging significantly contributes to diagnosing and monitoring pulmonary and systemic involvement of patients affected by COVID-19 using different techniques like chest X-ray... read more

A novel, hands-free ultrasound patch for continuous monitoring of quantitative Doppler in the carotid artery
Quantitative Doppler ultrasound of the carotid artery has been proposed as an instantaneous surrogate for monitoring rapid changes in left ventricular output. Tracking immediate changes in the arterial Doppler spectrogram... read more

Technical Aspects and Clinical Applications in Lung Ultrasound
Lung ultrasound is increasingly used in emergency departments, medical wards, and critical care units—adult, pediatric, and neonatal. In vitro and in vivo studies show that the number and type of artifacts visualized change... read more

Outcomes and Risk Factors Associated with COVID-19 Infection of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
In this registry-based cross-sectional study, increased disability was independently associated with worse clinical severity including death from COVID-19. Other risk factors for worse outcomes included older age, Black race,... read more

Cardiorespiratory Compromise in the Perioperative Environment
Perioperative cardiorespiratory compromise is common and goes largely undetected. Predictive cardiorespiratory indices can help in early detection of harmful deviations and guide preemptive treatment. Using continuous... read more

Resumption of Cardiac Activity after Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Measures
After withdrawal of life-sustaining measures, transient resumption of at least one cycle of cardiac activity after pulselessness occurred in 14% of patients according to retrospective analysis of waveforms; only 1% of such... read more

Association of Convalescent Plasma Treatment With Clinical Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19
Treatment with convalescent plasma compared with placebo or standard of care was not significantly associated with a decrease in all-cause mortality or with any benefit for other clinical outcomes. The certainty of the evidence... read more

COVID-19 and VILI: Mechanical Power Measurement
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for a bedside tool for lung mechanics assessment and ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) monitoring. Mechanical power is a unifying concept including all the components which... read more

The Risk of False Negative Results with the Curative COVID-19 Test
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting patients and health care providers of the risk of false results, particularly false negative results, with the Curative SARS-Cov-2 test. Risks to a patient of a... read more

Estimate Death Probabilities of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has become a global public health crisis and providing optimal patient care while preventing a collapse of the healthcare system is a principal objective worldwide. Here we describe a formula, requiring... read more

Mechanical Ventilators for Non-invasive Ventilation
This book analyzes and describes the whole spectrum of technical elements related with non-invasive mechanical ventilators technologies, ventilator modes and complementary technologies for correct interpretation and clinical... read more