Tag: morbidity
Elevated BMI Impact on Burn Injury
This study confirms a U-shaped association between body mass index and burn-related mortality along with age, total burn surface area, full-thickness burns, and comorbidities as risk factors. The study included 9,405 adult... read more

Mental Health Morbidity Among Caregivers
While much of the research on post-ICU mental health morbidity has focused upon the survivors themselves, emerging data shows that caregivers of ICU patients are similarly impacted. The collective sequelae experienced... read more

The Obesity Paradox in Critically Ill Patients
A causal inference approach that is robust to residual confounding bias due to model misspecification and selection bias due to missing (at random) data mitigates the obesity paradox observed in critically ill patients, whereas... read more

Multimorbidity on Long-Term Outcomes Following ICU Discharge
This national cohort study has demonstrated increased resource use for critical care survivors in the year following discharge but fails to replicate past findings of increased longer-term mortality. Multimorbidity, lifestyle... read more

ED Evaluation and Management of Non-Obstetric Abdominal Pain in the Pregnant Patient
A 27-year-old G4P2 female at 25-weeks gestation presents to the emergency department with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. The pain began yesterday and was initially a generalized discomfort that localized to the right... read more

Decompensated Hypothyroidism: Why do we miss it, and how do we improve?
A 75-year-old female is brought to the Emergency Department (ED) by emergency medical services (EMS) for altered mental status. Vital signs include BP 87/64, HR 55, T 92.6 rectal, RR 12, SpO2 95% on room air. She is oriented... read more

Cannula and Circuit Management in Peripheral ECMO
Variable practices regarding extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) line management exist worldwide based on recommendations lacking specific ECMO content and context. This survey identified evidence gaps regarding... read more

Intensivists’ Preferences for Patient Admission to ICU
ICU consultants vary in the importance they give to different factors in deciding who to prioritize for ICU admission. Transparency regarding which factors have been considered in the decision-making process could reduce... read more

Acute Liver Failure: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Management
Although acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare clinical presentation in the ED, it carries a high mortality, morbidity, and resource cost. Across the developing world, the underlying etiology is primarily viral, with hepatitis... read more

Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life After ICU
Preexisting comorbidity counts, but not severity of ICU illness, are strongly associated with health-related quality of life and physical symptoms in the year following critical illness. We prospectively collected data... read more

Post-discharge Impact of Healthcare-associated Infections in a Developing Country
The impact of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) on in-hospital mortality, morbidity, length-of-stay, and costs has been extensively reported. However, few studies have focused on the follow-up of HCAI-affected subjects... read more

A Trial of Goal-oriented Hemodynamic Therapy in Critically Ill Patients
Hemodynamic therapy aimed at achieving supranormal values for the cardiac index or normal values for mixed venous oxygen saturation does not reduce morbidity or mortality among critically ill patients. A total of 10,726 patients... read more

Outcomes and Costs of Patients Admitted to the ICU Due to Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage
Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, including subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Although many of these patients will require ICU admission, little... read more

AKI and Subsequent Frailty Status in Survivors of Critical Illness
Acute kidney injury in survivors of critical illness predicted worse frailty status 3 and 12 months postdischarge. These findings have important implications on clinical decision making among acute kidney injury survivors... read more

Mortality and Cardiovascular and Respiratory Morbidity in Individuals with Impaired FEV1 (PURE)
The associations between the extent of forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) impairment and mortality, incident cardiovascular disease, and respiratory hospitalisations are unclear, and how these associations might vary... read more

Repeated Ambulance Use is Associated with Chronic Diseases
There is a growing demand for emergency medical services (EMS) and patients are repeatedly transported by ambulance services. For many patients, especially those with chronic disease, there may be better ways of delivering... read more

Effect of position and positive pressure ventilation on functional residual capacity in morbidly obese patients
In awake morbidly obese volunteers, an increase in the FRC is observed when spontaneous ventilation at zero inspiratory pressure is switched to positive pressure. Compared with S positioning, the BC position had no measurable... read more

Antifungal Treatment in the ICU
Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Almost 80% of IFIs are due to Candida spp., which are the third most common isolated microorganisms in the intensive... read more

Mortality and Morbidity in Acutely Ill Adults Treated with Liberal vs. Conservative Oxygen Therapy
In acutely ill adults, high-quality evidence shows that liberal oxygen therapy increases mortality without improving other patient-important outcomes. Supplemental oxygen might become unfavourable above an SpO2 range of 94-96%.... read more

Intensive care in severe malaria: Report from the task force on tropical diseases by the WFSICCM
Severe malaria is common in tropical countries in Africa, Asia, Oceania and South and Central America. It may also occur in travelers returning from endemic areas. Plasmodium falciparum accounts for most cases, although P... read more

Natriuretic Peptides: A Role in Early Septic Acute Kidney Injury?
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication of critical illness and is associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and financial cost. Sepsis is the leading association of acute kidney injury in the intensive... read more

Functional Status Change Among Children With ECMO to Support Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Pediatric Cardiac ICU
This is the first extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation report to examine changes in Functional Status Scale from admission (baseline) to discharge as a measure of overall functional outcome. Half of surviving patients... read more