Trends in Empiric Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic Use for Suspected Community-Onset Sepsis in US Hospitals

Empiric treatment for suspected community-onset sepsis accounts for about half of broad-spectrum antibiotic use in US hospitals even though resistant organisms are isolated in only 7% of patients with community-onset sepsis... read more

Complex Infusion Volumes Interaction and Confounding Factors with Lactate Clearance in Septic Shock

A recent article by Ahlstedt et al. published in Intensive Care Medicine examining the impact of restrictive fluid management on lactate clearance in septic shock patients within the intensive care unit (ICU) piqued our interest.... read more

Sepsis Alert Systems, Mortality, and Adherence in Emergency Departments

This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated the significant association of implementing sepsis alert systems in the Emergency Departments (ED) with patient outcomes. These findings indicate that sepsis alert... read more

Predictive Value of Multiple Scoring Systems in the Prognosis of Septic Patients with Different Infection Sites

The heterogeneity nature of sepsis is significantly impacted by the site of infection. This study aims to explore the predictive value of multiple scoring systems in assessing the prognosis of septic patients across different... read more

Early vs. Delayed Enteral Nutrition in ICU Sepsis Patients

Early enteral nutrition may not affect mortality rates when analyzed using propensity score matching. However, our findings indicate that early enteral nutrition is associated with shorter ICU stays and a lower incidence... read more

Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid, and Thiamine Combination Therapy Efficacy for the Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock

In this systematic review, we found that hydrocortisone, ascorbic acid, and thiamine (HAT) regimen may be useful for reducing the duration of vasopressor use and improve organ functions in patients with sepsis and septic... read more

Sepsis Management in Resource-limited Settings

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. It constitutes a unique source of knowledge and guidance for all healthcare workers who care for patients with sepsis and septic shock in resource-limited settings. More... read more

Sepsis Management in Resource-limited Settings

Sepsis-induced coagulopathy: a matter of timeline

Leone et al. have nicely outlined the most frequent questions about thrombocytopenia in sepsis. Besides thrombocytopenia, sepsis indeed induces numerous pathophysiological changes. Among these, the acute-phase response... read more

Sepsis-induced coagulopathy: a matter of timeline

Sepsis: Definitions, Pathophysiology and the Challenge of Bedside Management

A comprehensive and state-of-the-art resource for clinicians who care for patients with sepsis and research scientist alike. Patients with severe sepsis requiring ICU admission have very high rates of ICU and overall... read more

Sepsis: Definitions, Pathophysiology and the Challenge of Bedside Management

Hepatorenal Syndrome in the ICU

Patients with cirrhosis are susceptible to develop acute kidney injury (AKI), a complication that occurs in up to 50% of hospitalized patients [80% in the intensive care unit (ICU)], and has been associated with increased... read more

Hepatorenal Syndrome in the ICU

Diagnosing Sepsis: Where We’re At And Where We’re Going

Diagnosing sepsis remains problematic. Pathogen identification is frequently lacking and the dysregulated host response is non-specific. Blood cultures often take days to deliver a result and, even then, approximately 90%... read more

Diagnosing Sepsis: Where We’re At And Where We’re Going

Sepsis Mortality Among ICU Patients with Hematological Malignancy

Over the past two decades, there have been substantial improvements in mortality in hematological malignancy patients with sepsis, including across all levels of illness severity and in patients requiring mechanical ventilation.... read more

Sepsis Mortality Among ICU Patients with Hematological Malignancy

Vasopressor Reduction Effect of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of polymyxin B hemoperfusion (PMX-HP) in patients with peritonitis-induced septic shock who still required high dose vasopressors after surgical source control. A total of 338 patients... read more

Vasopressor Reduction Effect of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion

Remimazolam Effect on Hemodynamics in Patients with Septic Shock

Remimazolam is safe and effective for inducing general anesthesia in patients with septic shock. Low, medium, and high doses of remimazolam can maintain a stable hemodynamic state, and the recovery of hepatic and renal function... read more

Remimazolam Effect on Hemodynamics in Patients with Septic Shock

Methylene Blue in Sepsis and Septic Shock

This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effect of MB in three RCTs. They found that MB treatment significantly reduced time to vasopressor discontinuation, days on mechanical ventilation, and length of ICU... read more

Methylene Blue in Sepsis and Septic Shock

Cardiac Index and Heart Rate as Prognostic Indicators for Mortality in Septic Shock

Our retrospective study shows that monitoring cardiac index and heart rate in patients with septic shock may help predict the organismal response and hemodynamic consequences, as well as the prognosis. Thus, healthcare providers... read more

Cardiac Index and Heart Rate as Prognostic Indicators for Mortality in Septic Shock

Fluid Personalization and Vasopressor Decisions in Early Sepsis Management

In this randomized vignette survey study of US critical care clinicians, we found that fluid volume already received was associated with the largest changes in decisions to administer additional fluids or initiate vasopressors... read more

Fluid Personalization and Vasopressor Decisions in Early Sepsis Management

AKI Risk Factors in ICU Patients Using Colistin

Colistin, an antibiotic of polymyxin group, has recently been increasingly used in the treatment of multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria. However, it has serious adverse effects such as acute kidney injury (AKI). We... read more

AKI Risk Factors in ICU Patients Using Colistin

Ilofotase Alfa Doesn’t Improved Survival Among Critically Ill Patients with SA-AKI

Sepsis-associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI) in patients admitted to an intensive care unit is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. There is currently no pharmaceutical treatment. Although we found no... read more

Ilofotase Alfa Doesn’t Improved Survival Among Critically Ill Patients with SA-AKI

Uncovering Heterogeneity in Sepsis

Among critically ill patients with sepsis, subtype strategies using clinical, biomarker, and transcriptomic data do not identify comparable patient populations and are likely to reflect disparate clinical characteristics... read more

Uncovering Heterogeneity in Sepsis

Pediatric Sepsis Phenotype with Persistent Hypoxemia, Encephalopathy, and Shock

We derived and validated the persistent hypoxemia, encephalopathy, and shock phenotype, which is highly reproducible, clinically relevant, and associated with HTE to common adjuvant therapies in children with sepsis. We... read more

Pediatric Sepsis Phenotype with Persistent Hypoxemia, Encephalopathy, and Shock