Early Deep-to-light vs. Continuous Light Sedation for ICU Patients with Mechanical Ventilation

Compared to the continuous light sedation, early deep-to-light sedation strategy was associated with improved patient outcomes, and continuous deep sedation was confirmed with poorer patient outcomes. In total, 6700 patients... read more

Assessment of Respiratory Muscles, Lung Parenchyma, and Cardiac Function by Ultrasound for Predicting Weaning Failure in Critically Ill Adults

Parasternal intercostal muscle thickening fraction (PMTF) has good discriminatory power to predict weaning outcomes (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.74 [0.59–0.88]). Pre-SBT PMTF had similar power... read more

Plasma Bioactive Adrenomedullin Predicts Mortality and Need for Dialysis in Critical COVID-19

In this study, serial bio-ADM samples in the ICU had limited predictive power for mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients when looking at absolute values. Still, relative changes over time showed a much better prediction.... read more

Aspirin Reduces the Need for Mechanical Ventilation by Nearly Half For COVID-19 Patients

Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and taking aspirin were nearly half as likely to require mechanical ventilation as those with COVID-19 not taking the drug, according to a study of adult patients. The patients were... read more

Association Between Comorbid COPD and Prognosis of Patients Admitted to ICU for Non-COPD Reasons

Comorbid COPD increased the risk of 28-day mortality among patients admitted to the ICU for non-COPD reasons, especially for those admitted to the cardiac surgery recovery unit. A retrospective cohort study was performed... read more

Influenza-Complicated Thromboembolism in the ICU

Influenza-complicated thromboembolism (TE) among patients with severe influenza infection in the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with increased risk for longer- duration mechanical ventilation, longer ICU stays, and... read more

Respiratory Effort in Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Prediction

This study demonstrates that PMI and ΔPocc are effective in predicting weaning outcomes in patients with DT≥2mm. The effectiveness of P0.1 in assessing weaning is also significantly higher in this subgroup. These findings... read more

Human albumin solution for on-pump cardiac surgery: benefit or burden?

Deidentified individual participant data collected during the HAS FLAIR-II trial (and the data dictionary) will be shared beginning two years after article publication with no end date. These data will be available to... read more

Optimizing Oxygenation For Tracheal Intubation in Critically Ill Patients

Tracheal intubation (TI) is a common procedure frequently performed in critically ill patients and is an integral part of emergency airway management (EAM). However, it carries inherent risks and can significantly impact... read more

Sex Differences in the Outcome of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients

Among patients admitted to ICU for severe COVID-19, males experienced higher severity of illness and more frequent intervention than females. Ultimately, the hazard of death was moderately elevated in males compared to females... read more

Veno-Arterial-Venous ECMO in a Patient Undergoing Dialysis and Having Cardiopulmonary Failure Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 can cause cardiomyopathy, a rare cardiovascular disorder that can lead to cardiogenic shock. The cardiac and respiratory symptoms may not occur simultaneously, and it is possible to switch to veno-arterial-venous... read more

Adiposity and Mortality Among ICU Patients with COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Respiratory Conditions

Obesity is associated with higher mortality among COVID-19 patients, but lower mortality among non-COVID-19 respiratory patients. These associations appear vulnerable to confounding/selection bias in both patient groups,... read more

Outcomes of ECMO in ARDS in Pediatric Trauma Patients

Among children who suffer from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) complications following trauma, the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) failed to show any association with mortality benefit. More... read more

Long-term Effects of Flexible Visitation in the ICU on Patients’ Mental Health

Flexible ICU visitation, compared to the restrictive visitation, was associated with a significant reduction in the 1-year prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptoms in family members. A total of 519 family members were... read more

ICU Cardiac Arrest Among Very Elderly Critically Ill Patients

The occurrence of ICU-CA in critically ill patients with advanced age (≥ 90 years) is relatively rare. The observed mortality in the ICU and hospital was exceedingly high. Notably, providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation... read more

Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach

This book provides learners with a unique opportunity by virtue of the format outlined above. Each case presentation has a case vignette, which leads up to an important clinical question, and is followed by additional discussion... read more

Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach

Corticosteroid Treatment and Survival in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients

Our multinational study identified three distinct clinical COVID-19 phenotypes, each exhibiting marked differences in demographic, clinical, and immunological features, and in the response to late and short-term corticosteroid... read more

Long-term Outcomes in Nutrition Trials

Survivors of critical illness frequently suffer from physical, cognitive and mental disorders after hospital discharge, leading to increased disabilities, poor quality of life, and worse long-term outcomes. Therefore,... read more

Predictive Biomarkers of Mortality in ICU Patients with Severe COVID-19

This study shows changes in hematological, biochemical, and inflammatory parameters in COVID-19 non-surviving patients. Lymphopenia, neutrophilia, and thrombocytopenia, as well as increased levels of CRP, AST, creatinine,... read more

Nitric Oxide Inhibitors Changes and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients

Increasing asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) concentrations on days 1-3 are inversely associated with mortality, however not with the same strength as high ADMA or SDMA concentrations at admission. We suggest that admission... read more

Comorbid Burden at ICU Admission in COVID-19 vs. Sepsis and ARDS

The burden of age and comorbidity is more prominent in ICU-admission for sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) than for COVID-19. This is likely to be caused by a combination of COVID-19 affecting the relatively... read more