Tag: antibiotics
Corticosteroids for Children with Septic Arthritis
Researchers conducted a review of the effects of corticosteroids given in addition to antibiotics to children with septic arthritis. Evidence was sought until April 2018. After searching for all relevant studies, reviewers... read more

Procalcitonin-Guided Use of Antibiotics for Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
The provision of procalcitonin assay results, along with instructions on their interpretation, to emergency department and hospital-based clinicians did not result in less use of antibiotics than did usual care among patients... read more

Ineffectiveness of Procalcitonin-Guided Antibiotic Therapy in Severely Critically Ill Patients
Procalcitonin-guided (PCT) antibiotic therapy fails to decrease the mortality or length of stay (LOS) of critically ill patients with suspected or confirmed sepsis. PCT-guided cessation of antibiotic therapy could reduce... read more

Effect of a Sepsis Educational Intervention on Hospital Stay
Adherence to a bundle strategy is low following an educational intervention. However, when patients are managed after instruction in guideline recommendations, hospital stay may be significantly reduced. The main cause... read more

Sepsis Surveillance Using Adult Sepsis Events Simplified eSOFA Criteria Versus Sepsis-3 Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Criteria
Sepsis-3 defines organ dysfunction as an increase in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score by greater than or equal to 2 points. However, some Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score components are not routinely... read more

Speedy sepsis care slows in-hospital mortality
Sepsis and septic shock patients treated within 3 hours had lower in-hospital mortality rates than those treated between hours 3 and 12, based on data from nearly 50,000 adult patients. The findings were presented at an international... read more

Procalcitonin-Guided Antimicrobial Therapy in Critical Care
Procalcitonin guidance for antibiotic cessation improves short-term mortality in ICU patients. Previous meta-analyses showed that procalcitonin-guided antimicrobial management, compared with standard care, resulted in less... read more

Hospitals Delay Use Of New Antibiotics
According to a new study published in Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, US hospitals on average waited more than a year to prescribe any of six new antibiotics approved by the US Food and Drug Administration... read more

Sepsis: Personalization vs. Protocolization?
The history of intensive care has been littered with too many false dawns. Old management dogma, now derided, have been replaced by new and equally resolute convictions, many of which will, in time, undoubtedly follow a similar... read more

Variation in Identifying Sepsis and Organ Dysfunction Using Administrative Versus Electronic Clinical Data and Impact on Hospital Outcome Comparisons
Variation in the accuracy of claims data for identifying sepsis and organ dysfunction limits their use for comparing hospitals' sepsis rates and outcomes. Using objective clinical data may facilitate more meaningful hospital... read more

How to Deal with Severe Acute Pancreatitis in the Critically Ill
Management of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is multimodal with emphasis on monitoring, adequate fluid resuscitation, avoiding prophylactic use of antibiotics, cause-directed procedures or treatment, and organ support. There... read more

New Approaches Reduces Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage
A UC Davis study of 9 emergency departments and urgent care centers in California and Colorado found educating physicians and patients about safe antibiotic use can cut overuse by 30%. The study, funded under a contract from... read more

Antibiotics for Sepsis
Antibiotics for Sepsis - Does Each Hour Really Count? Or is it Incestuous Amplification? - by Prof Mervyn Singer "Each hour's delay in initiating antibiotics costs lives" is a doctrine that has attained quasi religious status.... read more

Identifying At-Risk Patients for Sub-optimal Beta-lactam Exposure in Critically Ill Patients with Severe Infections
Conventional beta-lactam dosing is flawed in critically ill patients. Useful tools such as the MeroRisk Calculator need to be comprehensively evaluated clinically, and if successful should be added into clinical practice... read more

The Epidemiology of Symptomatic Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections in the ICU
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) occurs frequently in critical illness with significant morbidity, mortality, and additional hospital costs. The epidemiology of symptomatic ward-acquired CAUTI (within 48... read more

Environment key battle ground in fight to tackle antibiotic resistance
The environment could be as important a battle ground as the clinic in the global fight against the spread of antibiotic resistance, new research has shown. A study conducted at the University of Exeter Medical School concluded... read more

Antibiotics, Immunosuppressive Drugs and the Downfall of the Human Immune System
Today I'll discuss two more factors that can debilitate the human immune system (allowing the microbiome to better cause disease). They are antibiotics (when used too frequently) and immunosuppressive drugs: two of the most... read more

ED Door-to-Antibiotic Time and Long-term Mortality in Sepsis
Delays in ED antibiotic initiation time are associated with clinically important increases in long-term, risk-adjusted sepsis mortality. This study investigated the association of door-to-antibiotic time with long-term mortality... read more

Evidence Backs Giving Probiotics with Antibiotics
So much of what we're told to do calls for sweeping practice changes or titanic additions to our routine approach. My own articles have advocated for tremendous shifts in typical techniques, and one need not look far to find... read more

Optimizing Beta-Lactam Treatment in the ICU
The French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT) and the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (SFAR) have released guidelines on the optimization of beta-lactam treatment in intensive care unit... read more

Antibiotics for Sepsis – Finding the Equilibrium
Sepsis is medicine’s last remaining preserve for unrestrained antibiotic prescribing. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines recommend empirical broad-spectrum therapy within one hour of triage for both sepsis and septic... read more