Cytomegalovirus Infection Adverse Impact on ICU Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients
In critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was frequently observed, and associated with increased ICU and hospital mortality. CMV co-infection correlated with a higher incidence... read more
Nebulized Furosemide Effect on the Mortality of Mechanically Ventilated ARDS Adult Patients
This RCT tackles an important topic in critical care medicine, which involves a large number of critically ill patients and continues to harbor high mortality despite improvements in management. The results of the study... read more
Reducing Mortality in Critically Ill Patients
This book describes the techniques, strategies, and drugs that have been demonstrated by multicenter randomized trials to influence survival in critically ill patients, defined as those who have acute failure of at least... read more

Pirfenidone to Prevent Fibrosis in ARDS
Pulmonary fibrosis is a major complication of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Pirfenidone is an approved treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It may attenuate ARDS-related fibrosis and decrease the... read more
Lactate Trajectory Models for Predicting AKI and Mortality in Hyperlactatemia Patients
The present study underscores the significant prognostic value of lactate trajectories in critically ill patients, particularly those with hyperlactatemia. Our findings suggest that rapid lactate clearance is strongly... read more
Total Bilirubin as a Marker for Hemolysis and Outcome in ARDS Patients Treated with vvECMO
Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), treatment with veno-venous ECMO and a total bilirubin (tBili) plasma concentration over the threshold of 3.6 mg/dl had significantly lower chances of survival, recovery... read more
Nebulized Long-Acting Bronchodilators to Treat ARF in an Older Patients
Although long-acting bronchodilators are not approved to treat acute respiratory failure (ARF), the older adult in this case clinically improved after three doses of revefenacin and arformoterol. Additional studies are... read more
Electrical Impedance Tomography for PEEP Titration in ARDS Patients
ARDS patients may benefit from electrical impedance tomography (EIT)-guided positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration. The real-time bedside assessment of regional ventilation provided by EIT may result in improved... read more
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation
This book is a practical and easily understandable guide for mechanical ventilation. With a focus on the basics, this text begins with a detailed account of the mechanisms of spontaneous breathing as a reference point to... read more

ARDS Predictors in ICU Patients with Sepsis Using Dynamic Immune Indicator Changes
This study underscores the pivotal role of dynamic immune indicator changes in predicting acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) development among ICU sepsis patients. By incorporating immune cell and immunoglobulin dynamics... read more
Mortality Predictor with sPAP in Elderly Critically Ill with Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia
Mortality in general ARDS patients remains high, with many experiencing long-lasting sequelae. Numerous studies have been conducted to identify predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients, particularly regarding right ventricular... read more
Which Antimicrobial Treatment for Patients with Bloodstream Infection During ECMO Support?
Enterococcus sp. was incriminated in about a third of BSI among patients with ECMO support. High appropriateness would only be obtained with piperacilline/tazobactam or carbapenems in association with vancomycin while 3rd... read more
Analgosedation and Delirium Practices in Critically Ill Patients
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the management of analgosedation was characterized by the predominant use of targeted protocols that favored priority on mild and dynamic sedation in critically ill patients. During the pandemic... read more
Predicting Sudden Decrease in Oxygenation in Mechanically Ventilated ICU Patients as a Surrogate Marker for ARDS
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening form of respiratory failure characterized by widespread lung inflammation that severely impairs oxygenation. Affecting millions of patients worldwide, ARDS... read more
VEGFR1 Genetic Regulation During Sepsis and Association with ARDS Susceptibility
We identified biologically relevant protein quantitative trait loci (pQTLs) of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1) levels during sepsis in TCF20 and identified CYP2D6 as the gene more biologically implicated.... read more
APRV vs. BIPAP Ventilation in COVID-19 Associated ARDS
Despite of higher mean tidal volumes and higher mean airway pressures in airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) vs. biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP), both modes did not present an increased risk of volu- or barotrauma... read more
New Insights: Mortality in Nosocomial Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
This multicenter, multinational study conducted in Europe and Latin America sheds light on the clinical landscape of nLRTI, which continues to be an essential issue in the context of critical care. We provide insights... read more
New Insights: Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Severe COVID-19 Patients
This study provides novel insights into the use of inhaled nitric oxide in severe ARDS COVID-19 patients. Specifically, we demonstrate that the iNO effect of oxygenation improvement is delayed with a prolonged feature that... read more
New Insights on CRRT for ARDS
In recent times, the applications of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) beyond kidney‐related conditions have been progressively increasing, and its implementation in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) specifically... read more
Toward Precision Medicine in ARF
Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (AHRF) is one of the leading causes A for admission to the ICU. Acute respiratory failure (ARF) is defined as the inability of the respiratory system to meet the oxygenation and ventilation... read more
Evaluation Effects of Nebulized Hypertonic Saline and Nebulized Corticosteroids in Patients with ARDS
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common clinical syndrome of acute respiratory failure as a result of diffuse lung inflammation and oedema manifested by hypoxemia and stiffness in the lungs. This study... read more
The Beginner’s Guide to Intensive Care: A Handbook for Junior Doctors and Allied Professionals
Ideal for any medic or health professional embarking upon an intensive care rotation or specialism, this simple bedside handbook provides handy, pragmatic guidance to the day-to-day fundamentals of working in an intensive... read more