Tag: guidelines
The Evolving Armamentarium of COVID-19 Therapeutics
Multiple repositories have been created for the vast scientific outpouring of COVID-19 research. The NIH regularly updates its treatment guidelines, which will be the primary reference for this review. To cut to the... read more
Association Between Benzodiazepine Use With or Without Opioid Use and All-Cause Mortality in the US
This study found a significant increase in all-cause mortality associated with benzodiazepine use with or without opioid use in comparison with SSRI use. Benzodiazepine and opioid co-treatment, in particular, was associated... read more
Caring for the Sickest COVID-19 Patients: An ICU Story
In an article for the latest issue of Stanford Medicine magazine, I provide a glimpse into the journey Free and his front-line Stanford Health Care colleagues took -- from Day 1 through the following weeks and months -- to... read more
CDC cuts COVID-19 Quarantine Recommendation
The CDC released new COVID-19 guidelines Dec. 2, reducing the previous 14-day quarantine recommendation for people who were exposed to 10 days without symptoms, reports CBS. The recommendation is further reduced to seven... read more
Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care
Objective data and expert guidance on managing critically ill patients in unique question-based chapters that focus on best practices. Now thoroughly updated by Drs. Clifford S. Deutschman, Patrick J. Neligan, and nearly... read more
Ultrasound Teleguidance to Reduce Healthcare Worker Exposure to COVID-19
The recent expansion of telemedicine during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is likely to continue based on the Food and Drug Administration's new guidelines supporting remote monitoring technologies as a... read more
VTE and COVID-19: Would you like to know more?
Who wouldn't want to know more about a disease that has killed >1 million people to date, worldwide. Who wouldn't want to know more about the thromboembolic risk associated with COVID-19 when we have been told that the VTE... read more
Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of a new RN/RRT (Registered Nurse/Registered Respiratory Therapist) directed 2-step protocol to wean patients off of a ventilator. This protocol involves daily attempts... read more
COVID-19: Practical Strategies to Reduce Nosocomial Transmission
The frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) are at risk for contracting the COVID-19 disease when caring for patients and providing aerosol-generating procedures. Until further high-quality studies generate robust evidence, defining... read more
Essentials of Perioperative Nursing
Essentials of Perioperative Nursing, Sixth Edition is an essential reference for new perioperative nurses as well as experienced nurses who need a refresher. Succinct and easy to use, it addresses the basics associated with... read more
NICE COVID-19 Rapid Guideline
The purpose of this guideline is to help healthcare professionals deliver efficient planned care while minimising the risk of COVID-19 in the context of increasing or decreasing local prevalence. It also aims to help patients... read more
Who Gets to Live? How Doctors Make Impossible Decisions as COVID-19 Surges
Triage aims to provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest number, but medical staff are grappling with how to stay true to this principle as coronavirus surges. 18 states are currently in what's considered the... read more
Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH)
For most patients, the best treatment seems to be high-quality supportive care. Aggressive interventions (e.g., causing dramatic drops in blood pressure and "prophylactic" hypertonic saline) may cause more harm than good. Cerebellar... read more
Procedural Sedation in the COVID-19 Era
Resuming procedural sedation services for elective procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic requires unique considerations to ensure safety for patients and providers. Guidelines for resuming these procedures, including timing,... read more
COVID-19: 10 Things I Wished I’d Known Some Months Ago
The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and spreading, affecting individuals in over 200 countries now. While COVID-19-related articles are being published every day, including guidelines of optimal clinical management, there are... read more
An Evidence-Based Approach to Pressors in Shock
The evaluation and treatment of patients with cardiovascular shock is a cornerstone of emergency care. Unfortunately, the literature behind the use of vasoactive medications in cardiovascular shock is inconsistent. A Cochrane... read more
International PICU COVID-19 Collaboration Conference Call
This episode is an international collaborative conference call hosted by Dr. Jeffrey Burns of Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Featured speakers are Drs. Daniel Barouch, Trevor Duke, and Robinder Khemani,... read more
Recovering from COVID-19: Post Viral-fatigue and Conserving Energy
Rehabilitation is fast becoming the new priority in dealing with the impact of this pandemic and is crucial for people recovering from COVID-19 infection. Royal College of Occupational Therapists published three guides... read more