Effect of Different Shock Conditions on Mesenteric Hemodynamics

The velocity parameters of SMA Doppler ultrasound such as TAMV and PSV can reflect cardiac function. The measurements of SMA RI and PI are correlated with lactate levels, having a positive predictive value for hyperlactatemia... read more

Fluid Accumulation Syndrome in Sepsis and Septic Shock

In this review, we aimed to comprehensively summarize current literature on pathophysiology, relevance, diagnosis and treatment of fluid accumulation in patients with sepsis/septic shock. Fluid accumulation syndrome (FAS)... read more

Vasoconstriction in Septic Shock

Septic shock is associated with endothelial dysfunction leading to arterial and venous dilation, alterations in regional blood flow distribution, and microcirculatory disturbances. Fluids and vasopressors are the key... read more

Fluid Boluses May Improve CRT

Several studies have validated capillary refill time (CRT) as a marker of tissue hypoperfusion, and recent guidelines recommend CRT monitoring during septic shock resuscitation. Therefore, it is relevant to further explore... read more

Fluid Boluses May Improve CRT

Fluid Personalization and Vasopressor Decisions in Early Sepsis Management

In this randomized vignette survey study of US critical care clinicians, we found that fluid volume already received was associated with the largest changes in decisions to administer additional fluids or initiate vasopressors... read more

Fluid Personalization and Vasopressor Decisions in Early Sepsis Management

Traumatic Major Hemorrhage in a Tertiary Trauma Center

Major traumatic hemorrhage is potentially preventable with rapid hemorrhage control and improved resuscitation techniques. The time from injury to hospital, resuscitation, diagnosis, and definitive bleeding control should... read more

Traumatic Major Hemorrhage in a Tertiary Trauma Center

Damage Control Resuscitation: Identification and Treatment of Life-Threatening Hemorrhage

This book provides a comprehensive overview of damage control resuscitation (DCR), an evidence-based approach to the resuscitation of patients with severe life-threatening hemorrhage (LTH). It focuses on both civilian... read more

Damage Control Resuscitation: Identification and Treatment of Life-Threatening Hemorrhage

ECPR for Hypothermic Refractory Cardiac Arrests in Temperate Climates

Accidental hypothermia designates an unintentional drop in body temperature below 35 °C. There is a major risk of ventricular fibrillation below 28 °C and cardiac arrest is almost inevitable below 24 °C. In such cases,... read more

ECPR for Hypothermic Refractory Cardiac Arrests in Temperate Climates

Feasibility of HEMS Performed Prehospital E-CPR in Pediatric Cardiac Arrests

This case-series shows that a properly trained regular Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) crew of only two health care professionals (doctor and flight nurse) can establish Extracorporeal-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation... read more

Feasibility of HEMS Performed Prehospital E-CPR in Pediatric Cardiac Arrests

Doppler Ultrasound Identified Venous Congestion in Septic Shock

Venous congestion is a pathophysiological state where high venous pressures cause organ edema and dysfunction. Venous congestion is associated with worse outcomes, particularly acute kidney injury (AKI), for critically ill... read more

Doppler Ultrasound Identified Venous Congestion in Septic Shock

Optimal Fluid Therapy for Sepsis Management in Critically Ill Adults

For a study, researchers aimed to analyze the fluid treatment in septic critically ill adults. About 20% to 30% of patients were admitted to an ICU with sepsis. In sepsis patients, investigators observed intravenous fluid... read more

Optimal Fluid Therapy for Sepsis Management in Critically Ill Adults

Checklists and Consistency of Care After Resuscitation From IHCA

In-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) with the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is a clinical scenario associated with potentially devastating outcomes. Our study demonstrated improved consistency in completing post-ROSC... read more

Checklists and Consistency of Care After Resuscitation From IHCA

VA-ECMO in High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism

High-risk Pulmonary Embolism (PE) has an ominous prognosis and requires emergent reperfusion therapy, primarily systemic thrombolysis (ST). In deteriorating patients or with contraindications to ST, Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal... read more

VA-ECMO in High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism

Multiple Electrolytes Solution vs. Saline as Bolus Fluid for Pediatric Septic Shock Resuscitation

Among children presenting with septic shock, fluid resuscitation with MES (balanced crystalloid) as compared with 0.9% saline resulted in a significantly lower incidence of new and/or progressive AKI during the first 7 days... read more

Multiple Electrolytes Solution vs. Saline as Bolus Fluid for Pediatric Septic Shock Resuscitation

Correlation of Common Carotid Artery Blood Flow Parameters With TTE-CO for Assessing Fluid Responsiveness After PLR Test in Critically Ill Patients

The passive leg raising (PLR) test is a simple, non-invasive method of knowing fluid responsiveness by acting as an internal-fluid challenge. The PLR test coupled with a non-invasive assessment of stroke volume would be the... read more

Correlation of Common Carotid Artery Blood Flow Parameters With TTE-CO for Assessing Fluid Responsiveness After PLR Test in Critically Ill Patients

Fluid Responsiveness Evaluation with Integrated Ultrasonographic Approach

In a group of non-ventilated patients, who had already undergone the initial resuscitation, we demonstrated that the evaluation of the fluid responsiveness (FR) based on echocardiography and lung ultrasound increased the... read more

Fluid Responsiveness Evaluation with Integrated Ultrasonographic Approach

Traumatic Hemorrhage and Chain of Survival

Trauma is the number one cause of death among Americans between the ages of 1 and 46 years, costing more than $670 billion a year. Following death related to central nervous system injury, hemorrhage accounts for the majority... read more

Traumatic Hemorrhage and Chain of Survival

Resuscitative TEE

The use of ED resuscitative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a practical modality that provides useful diagnostic and therapeutic information for critically ill patients in the emergency department, with an excellent... read more

Resuscitative TEE

Duration of Device-Based Fever Prevention After Cardiac Arrest

While fever prevention for 72 hours after cardiac arrest has been endorsed by international guidelines since 2005, there is a lack of randomized control trial (RCT) generated data supporting this after the initial 24 hours... read more

Duration of Device-Based Fever Prevention After Cardiac Arrest

Are Two Shocks Better Than One?

Overall, the trial conducted by Cheskes et al contributes meaningfully to our understanding of the use of alternative defibrillation strategies for refractory ventricular fibrillation before widespread incorporation of double... read more

Are Two Shocks Better Than One?

Diastolic Shock Index and Septic Shock Outcome

Early recognition and resuscitation of patients in septic shock are critical skills for an emergency medicine physician. Many clinical decision-making tools have been developed and validated in their use to identify and... read more

Diastolic Shock Index and Septic Shock Outcome

Prehospital IV Fluid Management in Severely Injured Trauma Patients

Weak, primarily observational evidence suggests that standard fluid resuscitation has no significant mortality benefit over restricting/withholding IV fluids in the context of severe/hypotensive trauma. This review adds... read more

Prehospital IV Fluid Management in Severely Injured Trauma Patients