Biomarkers in Trauma, Injury and Critical Care (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)

This handbook systematically presents biomarkers for traumatic injuries. The book covers topics such as traumatic brain injury, liver injury, burn severity, muscle heart damage, and acute inflammation in polytrauma and their... read more

Biomarkers in Trauma, Injury and Critical Care (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)

Heart Rate Control in Septic Shock: Echocardiographic Evaluation and Monitoring

Our study demonstrated a modest reduction in heart rate by approximately 10 beats per minute, accompanied by a slower decrease in noradrenaline requirements com-pared to the control group in the overall population. This... read more

Effect on Norepinephrine Administration Timing on Prognosis of Septic Shock Patients

Norepinephrine initiation ≤1 h is associated with lower 28-day mortality in patients with septic shock. Early norepinephrine administration is also associated with a shorter time to achieve MAP ≥65 mmHg, lower 24-h intravenous... read more

Sepsis: Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment

Sometimes our body's reaction to infection can result in damage to internal tissues and organs. Such a condition is referred to as sepsis. Some of the symptoms of sepsis are high fever, increased heart and breathing rate,... read more

Sepsis: Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment

An Optimal Antibiotic Selection Framework for Sepsis Patients Using AI

In this work we present OptAB, the first completely data-driven online-updateable antibiotic selection model based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sepsis patients accounting for side-effects. OptAB performs an iterative... read more

Personalized Therapies in ARDS

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can result from a variety of clinical conditions, causing lung injury either directly through local inflammation or indirectly because of systemic inflammatory mediators ARDS is... read more

Personalizing Beta-blockade in Septic Shock

Clinical trials provide only part of the necessary framework for clinical decision-making. In practice, a detailed understanding of each patient’s hemodynamic profile is essential. We believe that the echocardiography-guided... read more

Lymphocyte Count Trajectories Associated with Prognosis of Sepsis Patients

Three distinct lymphocyte trajectories were identified in sepsis patients using GBTM. Trajectory 3 was a strong predictor of 7-day and 28-day mortality, while Trajectory 1 was associated with early death. These findings... read more

Mechanical Ventilation Timing in Sepsis

A recent study by Dr. Kim and colleagues examined the association between the timing of mechanical ventilation (MV) and clinical outcomes in ICU patients with sepsis. The study included 2440 adult sepsis patients from... read more

Outcomes of Older Adults With Sepsis at Admission to an ICU

Our study suggests that treating older adults with therapies recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign may improve outcomes in this age group, although mortality remains high for older adults with sepsis. In addition,... read more

Early Tracheostomy in Ventilated COVID-19 Patients Reduces VAP Incidence

Tracheostomy can reduce mechanical ventilation (MV) duration, ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS), and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) risk in critically ill patients. The timing of tracheostomy in COVID-19 patients... read more

Septic Shock in the Prehospital Setting

Septic shock (SS) is a potential life-threatening condition in which an early identification and immediate therapy stand out as the main cornerstones to improve survival chance; in this context, emergency medical services... read more

Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill

This book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) textbook series, deals with dysregulated host response a relatively new term introduced by the Sepsis-3 definitions in 2016. In contrast to systemic... read more

Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill

Distinct Immune Profiles and Clinical Outcomes in Sepsis Subphenotypes Based on Temperature Trajectories

Sepsis subphenotypes identified using the universally available measurement of body temperature had distinct immune profiles. Hypothermic patients, who had the highest mortality rate, also had the lowest levels of most pro-... read more

Presepsin Does Not Predict Risk of Death in Sepsis Patients Admitted to the ICU

In patients with suspected sepsis admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, presepsin does not accurately predict the risk of in-hospital death, but it can predict a positive microbiological culture. Adult patients were included... read more

Predictive Value of Combined Detection of Serum LGALS3BP and GDF-15 for the Prognosis of ICU Sepsis Patients

Serum LGALS3BP and GDF-15 levels are abnormally elevated in the death group of ICU sepsis patients, suggesting potential application value as prognostic markers for sepsis. The combined use of LGALS3BP and GDF-15 can... read more

Correlation of Serum Albumin Levels With the Severity of Sepsis Among ICU Patients

In the present study, serum albumin level was noted as a reliable predictor of sepsis severity in ICU patients. Lower serum albumin levels were associated with higher SOFA scores, indicating more severe sepsis. This study... read more

Procalcitonin and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Trends in ICU Sepsis Patients

Understanding the trends of PCT and NLR concerning the infection source can provide deeper insights into their diagnostic and prognostic capabilities. This comparative analysis of PCT, NLR, and SOFA score trends contributes... read more

Half of Sepsis Patients Face Death Within Two Years

Half of all patients with sepsis admitted to an emergency medical department died within two years, according to Danish researchers investigating factors that could predict outcomes for these patients. Dr. Finn E. Nielsen,... read more

Adult Critical Care Medicine

This clinical casebook provides a comprehensive yet concise state-of-the-art review of adult critical care medicine. Presented in a case-based format, each case focuses on a scenario commonly encountered with an adult patient... read more

Adult Critical Care Medicine

Iloprost and Organ Dysfunction in Adults With Septic Shock and Endotheliopathy

In this randomized clinical trial of adults in the ICU with septic shock and severe endotheliopathy, infusion of iloprost, 1 ng/kg/min, for 72 hours did not reduce mean daily SOFA scores compared with placebo. In a clinical... read more