Tag: study
Conservative vs. Interventional Treatment for Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Although the primary outcome was not statistically robust to conservative assumptions about missing data, the trial provides modest evidence that conservative management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax was noninferior... read more
Time to Recognition of Sepsis in the Emergency Department Using Electronic Health Record Data
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment initially identified distinct populations. Using systemic inflammatory response syndrome resulted in earlier electronic health record sepsis... read more
Best Practice Advisories Improve Sedation Protocol Compliance in the ICU
Best practice advisories can be effectively used in ICUs to improve sedation protocol compliance and may mitigate potential propofol-related hazardous conditions. Best practice advisories should undergo continuous quality... read more
Association Between Hypothermia/Ischemia Ratio and Functional Outcome
Although a larger hypothermia/ischemia ratio was associated with good functional outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in this cohort, this association is primarily driven by duration of time to return of spontaneous... read more
Temporal Utilization Trends in Prehospital Mechanical CPR Devices
Chest compressions have remained one of the most visible and effective components of prehospital resuscitation, dating back to the inception of modern emergency medical services (EMS). Although the idea and technique... read more
A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China
4 lower respiratory tract samples, including bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid, were collected from patients with pneumonia of unknown cause who were identified in Wuhan on December 21, 2019, or later and who had been present... read more
Effects of a Multimodal Program Including Simulation on Job Strain Among Nurses Working in ICUs
Among ICU nurses, an intervention that included education, role-play, and debriefing resulted in a lower prevalence of job strain at 6 months compared with nurses who did not undergo this program. Further research is... read more
Depth of Anesthesia in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Under Extracorporeal Circulation
In children undergoing cardiac surgery in our department, the use of sevoflurane-balanced anesthesia during cardiopulmonary bypass showed no superiority of inhalational agents over total intravenous anesthesia with opioids... read more
When Exercise Comes to the Hospital’s ICUs
Even short hospital ICU stays can cause lasting problems for patients. Can early mobility and exercise help? Apna Kudchadkar still remembers the morning in 2010 that shaped the trajectory of her scientific research. She... read more
Approaches to EOL Decision-making For Patients Affected by Sepsis and ARDS
A Qualitative Study of Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Sepsis and Their Surrogates. The purpose of this study was to develop hypotheses of patient and surrogate's rationale for decision-making. Patients... read more
Risk Factors for the Development of ARDS in Mechanically Ventilated Adults in Peru
In this study of mechanically ventilated patients, 31% of study participants had acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) at some point during their ICU stay. Optimal lung-protective ventilation was not used in a majority... read more
Automated Anesthetic Management Outperforms Manual Control and May Have an Impact on Delayed Neurocognitive Recovery
Among older, non-frail patients undergoing moderate and high-risk noncardiac surgery, an automated anesthetic management using the combination of three independent closed-loop systems outperformed manual control and may have... read more
Impact of Levosimendan on Weaning from Peripheral VA-ECMO in ICU
This study suggests that levosimendan might be associated with a beneficial effect on venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) weaning in ICU patients. The difference in mortality among propensity-matched... read more
Activin Type II Receptor Blockade for Treatment of Muscle Depletion in COPD
Blocking the action of negative muscle regulators through the activin type II receptors with bimagrumab treatment safely increased skeletal muscle mass but did not improve functional capacity in patients with COPD and low... read more
Prehospital On-scene Anesthetist Treating Severe TBI Patients is Associated with Lower Mortality and Better Neurological Outcome
Patients with isolated traumatic brain injury (TBI) are likely to benefit from effective prehospital care to prevent secondary brain injury. Only a few studies have focused on the impact of advanced interventions in TBI... read more
Impact of Paralytic Agent on Postintubation Sedation
The aim of this study was to evaluate the difference in the time to postintubation sedation between patients receiving etomidate and either succinylcholine or rocuronium in the prehospital setting. This study suggests... read more
Vitamin Treatment For Sepsis Fails In Large Trial
Hope for an effective and inexpensive treatment for the deadly condition sepsis has dimmed following results of a major new study. Researchers had hoped that a simple treatment involving infusions of vitamin C, vitamin... read more
Effect of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis on In-Hospital Mortality Among ICU Patients Receiving Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
Among ICU patients requiring mechanical ventilation, a strategy of stress ulcer prophylaxis with use of proton pump inhibitors vs histamine-2 receptor blockers resulted in hospital mortality rates of 18.3% vs 17.5%, respectively,... read more