Tag: technology
How AI is Reshaping Healthcare During COVID-19
As the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries rush to tackle a wide range of COVID-19 challenges, from developing treatments and sourcing medical supplies to mitigating outbreaks and racing towards a vaccine, the use of... read more

Philips Launches COVID-19 Rapid Equipment Deployment Kit for ICUs
Royal Philips introduced its Rapid Equipment Deployment Kit for ICU ramp-ups, allowing doctors, nurses, technicians and hospital staff to quickly support critical care patient monitoring capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.... read more

ICU Doctor Creates App to Help Patients on Ventilators Communicate Faster
ICU Doctor Chandar Abboy and his partner came up with a way to give a voice to the voiceless. The app called “Yo Doc” allows patients on ventilators to better communicate their needs and feelings. Dr. Abboy says this... read more

A Concise Overview of Non-invasive IAP Measurement Techniques
This review presents an overview of previously reported non-invasive intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) measurement techniques. Each section covers the basic physical principles and methodology of the various measurement techniques,... read more

A Guide To Designing Low-Cost Ventilators for COVID-19
The best medical treatment currently for COVID-19 is to simply assist the lung function with mechanical ventilation. Unfortunately hospitals are experiencing such huge influx of patients and do not have enough ventilators. This... read more

Big Data to Help Predict Individual Trauma Patient Outcome
Chinese researchers are using big data to help identify trauma patients who could experience potential adverse health events in the emergency department through the aid of a clinical decision support system. It was developed... read more

New Technology Gives Parents Virtual Face Time With Their Hospitalized Children
The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) team at the University of Maryland Children's Hospital (UMCH) is offering a new way for families to interact with their child and the medical team when they can’t be there in person. PICU... read more

7 Nursing Technologies Helping Patient Care
From pizza ordering to financial security, new technology is changing the way we live our lives every day. And now more than ever before, new technology is finding ways to impact the healthcare industry. A new survey of... read more

eFAST Performance with a Novel vs. Conventional Transducers
Point-of-injury extended focused assessment with sonography in trauma (eFAST) may identify life-threatening torso hemorrhage and expedite casualty evacuation. The purpose of this study was to compare combat medic eFAST performance... read more

Critical Care Telemedicine: A Management Fad or the Future of ICU Practice?
Critical care telemedicine is a potential solution to the scarcity of critical care expertise, while quality and safe care can also be promoted through off-site surveillance, early warning capabilities, clinical decision... read more

Leading EHR System Adopts Bundle to Prevent ICU Delirium
Seminal studies at Vanderbilt University Medical Center over the past two decades by pulmonary and critical care specialist Wes Ely, M.D. and colleagues have spurred ICU delirium research, and the resulting body of evidence... read more

Clinical Decision Support Systems: Future or Present in ICU?
Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are today, a reality. More complex, useful systems will be developed in the near future, forging CDSS an essential part of ICU monitoring. However, we need to understand the algorithms... read more

Artificial Intelligence or Merely a Symptom of a Broken Healthcare System?
We are constantly hunting for newer and better sources of information. This leads to a perpetual generation of newer lab tests, different hemodynamic gizmos, and fresh decision tools. Some of these pan out. Most don't. Why... read more

A CT Scanner in Your Pocket? Lung Ultrasonography Beats Chest Radiography
Lung ultrasound is still a relatively young diagnostic modality, but it is evolving and growing at a rapid pace. Harrison's manual of internal medicine deemed to it to be a "useless" modality as recently as 2001. Once... read more

Clinical Prediction Models: A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating
Prediction models are important in various fields, including medicine, physics, meteorology, and finance. Prediction models will become more relevant in the medical field with the increase in knowledge on potential predictors... read more

Seizure Detection Algorithms in Critically Ill Children
Some commercially available seizure detection algorithms demonstrate performance for seizure detection that is comparable to that of electroencephalography experts using quantitative electroencephalography displays. Continuous... read more

Machine Learning for Patient Risk Stratification for ARDS
An acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) prediction model based on electronic health record (EHR) data with good discriminative performance has been developed. The results demonstrate the feasibility of a machine... read more

Machine Learning vs. Physicians’ Prediction of AKI in Critically Ill Adults
The machine-learning-based AKIpredictor achieved similar discriminative performance as physicians for prediction of AKI-23, and higher net benefit overall, because physicians overestimated the risk of AKI. This suggests... read more

Ethical Considerations About Artificial Intelligence for Prognostication in Intensive Care
New Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques have the potential to improve prognostication in intensive care. However, they require further refinement before they can be introduced into daily practice.... read more

Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics
This issue of Critical Care Clinics, edited by Dr. Kianoush Kashani in collaboration with Consulting Editor Dr. John Kellum, is focused on Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine. Topics in this issue include: ICU telemedicine... read more

Conditional Survival With Increasing Duration of ICU Admission
This is an observational study of three intensive care databases two in the United States (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III and electronic ICU) and one in United Kingdom (Post Intensive Care Risk-Adjusted Alerting... read more

Critical: Science and Stories From the Brink of Human Life
Following in the wake of hugely successful medical memoirs such as Do No Harm and Fragile Lives, Critical is an intelligent, compelling and profoundly insightful journey into the world of intensive care medicine and the lives... read more