Tag: warfarin
A Cold Case of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
A 61-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure (s/p PPM/ICD), pulmonary embolism (on warfarin), end-stage renal disease (on HD via right internal... read more

Oral Vitamin K Lowers the International Normalized Ratio More Rapidly
Oral vitamin K lowers INR more rapidly than subcutaneous vitamin K in asymptomatic patients who have supratherapeutic INR values while receiving warfarin. Warfarin therapy was withheld, and 1 mg of vitamin K was given... read more

Modified Version of the ACC’s low-dose 4PCC Warfarin Reversal Option Achieves Similar Outcomes for Lowering INR
A modified version of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) low-dose four factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4PCC) option for warfarin reversal achieves similar outcomes for lowering International Normalized Ratio... read more

Warfarin Nonadherence: What Factors Lead Patients with Afib to Discontinue?
Patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) frequently discontinue their warfarin therapy, and a recently-published study offers insight into factors that may contribute to nonadherence. The report, released in JAMA Cardiology,... read more

The Speed of Sound: A New Measure to Single Out High-Risk PE Patients
Predicting which pulmonary embolism patients will do well with oral anticoagulation and which will decompensate is a bit murky, at best. The treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE) has evolved quite a bit in just the past few... read more

Association of ICH Among Patients Taking Non–Vitamin K Antagonist vs Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants With In-Hospital Mortality
Among patients with ICH, prior use of NOACs or warfarin was associated with higher in-hospital mortality compared with no OACs. Prior use of NOACs, compared with prior use of warfarin, was associated with lower risk of in-hospital... read more

Discharge Instructions for VTE: A Comprehensive Approach to Medication Management
Discharge instructions for VTE have typically included medication management recommendations related to the use of warfarin. In recent years, however, a growing number of alternatives to warfarin, such as direct oral anticoagulants... read more

Direct Oral Anticoagulant- or Warfarin-Related Major Bleeding
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have expanded the armamentarium for antithrombotic therapy. Although DOAC-related major bleeding was associated with favorable outcomes compared with warfarin in clinical trials, warfarin... read more

Dose-Adjusted DOACs: What Efficacy vs Warfarin?
The direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) offer distinct advantages over warfarin - among them, dose adjustment is only needed in cases of impaired renal function, advanced age, low body weight, or potential for drug-drug interactions.... read more