Long-Term Implications of Abnormal Left Ventricular Strain During Sepsis

Among patients with sepsis and pre-existing cardiac disease who survived to ICU discharge, left ventricular global longitudinal systolic strain demonstrated a U-shaped association with cardiovascular outcomes through 24 months.... read more

Long-Term Implications of Abnormal Left Ventricular Strain During Sepsis

Problems in care and avoidability of death after discharge from ICU

The proportion of deaths in hospital with some degree of avoidability is higher in patients discharged from an ICU than reported in hospital-wide populations. Extrapolating our findings suggests around 550 probably avoidable... read more

Problems in care and avoidability of death after discharge from ICU

Development of Persistent Respiratory Morbidity in Previously Healthy Children After ARF

Persistent respiratory morbidity develops in up to potentially 44% of previously healthy children less than or equal to 24 months old at follow-up after acute respiratory failure (ARF) requiring mechanical ventilation. This... read more

Development of Persistent Respiratory Morbidity in Previously Healthy Children After ARF

Glucose Variability as Measured by Inter-measurement Percentage Change is Predictive of In-patient Mortality in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Reduced glucose variability is highly correlated with in-patient survival and long-term mortality in subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients. This finding was observed in the non-diabetic and well-controlled diabetic patients,... read more

Glucose Variability as Measured by Inter-measurement Percentage Change is Predictive of In-patient Mortality in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Beta-Blocker Therapy in Severe TBI

Propranolol decreases in-hospital mortality and improves long-term functional outcome in isolated severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). This randomized trial speaks in favor of routine administration of beta-blocker therapy... read more

Beta-Blocker Therapy in Severe TBI

Association Between Hypothermia/Ischemia Ratio and Functional Outcome

Although a larger hypothermia/ischemia ratio was associated with good functional outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in this cohort, this association is primarily driven by duration of time to return of spontaneous... read more

Association Between Hypothermia/Ischemia Ratio and Functional Outcome

The Association of Clinical Variables and the Development of Specified Chronic Conditions in ICU Survivors

Clinical variables, especially the reason for ICU admission, are associated with the development of chronic conditions after ICU discharge. Therefore, these clinical variables should be considered when organizing follow-up... read more

The Association of Clinical Variables and the Development of Specified Chronic Conditions in ICU Survivors

Effects of Sepsis on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients 2 Years After ICU Discharge

Compared with patients without sepsis, those with sepsis have higher mortality in the intensive care unit and have more pain, hospital readmissions, and functional decline within 2 years after discharge. During the study,... read more

Effects of Sepsis on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients 2 Years After ICU Discharge

Ventilation Rates and Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival Outcomes

In this multicenter cohort, ventilation rates exceeding guidelines were common. Among the range of rates delivered, higher rates were associated with improved survival to hospital discharge. Arterial blood pressure and... read more

Ventilation Rates and Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival Outcomes

Outcomes of VV ECMO When Stratified by Age

The purpose of this study was to evaluate survival to hospital discharge for patients on venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV ECMO) when stratified by age. We performed a retrospective study at single, academic,... read more

Outcomes of VV ECMO When Stratified by Age

Left Ventricular Wall Findings in Non-electrocardiography-gated CE-CT After ECPR

Few studies have reported left ventricular wall findings in contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CE-CT) after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR). This study examined left ventricular wall CE-CT findings... read more

Left Ventricular Wall Findings in Non-electrocardiography-gated CE-CT After ECPR

Surviving Critical Illness: What Is Next?

This consensus-based framework for PT after hospital discharge aims to improve long-term outcomes for survivors of critical illness. Physical therapists should seek close collaboration with the multidisciplinary team... read more

Surviving Critical Illness: What Is Next?

20 Percent of Patients Hospitalized for Cardiac Arrest Readmitted Within a Month

This cohort study found increased rates of readmission among patients who survived cardiac arrest. Early follow-up with health care professionals may enable timely management of both cardiac and general medical conditions... read more

20 Percent of Patients Hospitalized for Cardiac Arrest Readmitted Within a Month

Mental Health Medication Use In Parents After A Child’s PICU Admission

This was the first large study to examine mental health medication use in parents after PICU admission for their children. Antidepressant and anxiolytic incidence rates for parents with critically ill children increased... read more

Mental Health Medication Use In Parents After A Child’s PICU Admission

Impact of Critical Illness on Resource Utilization

An ICU admission is associated with increased resource utilization including hospital readmissions, with many due to an ambulatory care sensitive condition. Lower socioeconomic status and higher severity of illness are associated... read more

Impact of Critical Illness on Resource Utilization

Impact of Vasoactive Medications on ICU-Acquired Weakness in Mechanically Ventilated Patients

In mechanically ventilated patients enrolled in a randomized clinical trial of early mobilization, the use of vasoactive medications was independently associated with the development of ICU-acquired weakness. Prospective... read more

Impact of Vasoactive Medications on ICU-Acquired Weakness in Mechanically Ventilated Patients

Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients Who Received Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Although overall survival of ICU patients was 15.9%, patients requiring pressors and who experienced a CPA in an ICU were half as likely to survive to discharge and to be discharged home than patients not taking pressors.... read more

Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients Who Received Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Increased Hospital-Based Physical Rehabilitation and Information Provision After ICU Discharge

Post-ICU hospital-based rehabilitation, including increased physical and nutritional therapy plus information provision, did not improve physical recovery or HRQOL, but improved patient satisfaction with many aspects of recovery.... read more

Increased Hospital-Based Physical Rehabilitation and Information Provision After ICU Discharge

Hoopla Aside, hs-cTnI is Not Catching Missed Mis

We have been searching for a tool to identify myocardial infarction patients who are truly safe for discharge ever since Pope, et al., found that we were discharging two percent of patients with MIs from the emergency department.... read more

Hoopla Aside, hs-cTnI is Not Catching Missed Mis

Assessment of the Safety of Discharging Select Patients Directly Home From the ICU

The discharge of select adult patients directly home from the ICU is common, and it is not associated with increased health care utilization or increased mortality. Among the 6732 patients included in the study, 2826 (42%)... read more

Assessment of the Safety of Discharging Select Patients Directly Home From the ICU

Risk Factors for 1-Year Mortality and Hospital Utilization Patterns in Critical Care Survivors

One in five ICU survivors die within 1 year, with advanced age and comorbidity being significant predictors of outcome, leading to high resource use. Care process factors indicating high system stress were associated with... read more

Risk Factors for 1-Year Mortality and Hospital Utilization Patterns in Critical Care Survivors