Bedside Procedures in the ICU

This handbook is a guide to best practice in interventions commonly encountered in the ICU. It is clinically orientated providing step-by-step explanations and illustrations of most invasive procedures, check lists to make... read more

Bedside Procedures in the ICU

Pharmacokinetics of Opioid Infusions in the Adult ICU Setting

To counter these pharmacokinetics (PKs) alterations, new therapeutic avenues must be further explored in the ICU to individualize opioid infusions. Embase, MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, and Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)... read more

Cellular Therapy with Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Sepsis

Cellular therapy with mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) is a promising therapeutic modality in sepsis. Positive effects are mainly associated with frequent infusions and the dose of 1 × 106 cell/kg. Larger scale studies... read more

Prolonged vs. Intermittent Infusion of Meropenem For Patients with Severe Infection

Prolonged infusion of meropenem is more effective than intermittent infusion in reducing mortality, improving clinical outcomes, and enhancing microbial eradication, without increasing adverse events. These benefits are... read more

IFG vs. CBG in Patients with Multiple Organ Failure Requiring Vasopressor Infusion

Interstitial flash glucose (IFG) does not demonstrate either analytical or clinical accuracy to be considered equivalent to capillary blood glucose (CBG) in patients with multiple organ failure who require vasopressor infusion. This... read more

72‐h Infusion of Prostacyclin in Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Pulmonary Infection and Endotheliopathy

Acute respiratory failure (ARF) is common in critically ill patients, and 50% of patients in intensive care units require mechanical ventilation. The COVID‐19 pandemic revealed that COVID‐19 infection induced ARF... read more

Succinate-containing Crystalloid Solution in Correction of COVID-19-associated Endotheliopathy

The use of a succinate-containing infusion solution in patients with a new coronavirus infection promotes a more rapid and sustainable correction of COVID-19-associated endotheliopathy, which, in turn, is manifested by a... read more

Iloprost and Organ Dysfunction in Adults With Septic Shock and Endotheliopathy

In this randomized clinical trial of adults in the ICU with septic shock and severe endotheliopathy, infusion of iloprost, 1 ng/kg/min, for 72 hours did not reduce mean daily SOFA scores compared with placebo. In a clinical... read more

Propofol-Related Infusion Syndrome in a Child with RSE

Propofol is used for sedation, anxiolysis, anesthesia induction, and as an anticonvulsant. In cases of refractory status epilepticus (RSE), propofol is more efficient than barbiturates. We present a case of a 3-year-old... read more

Propofol-Related Infusion Syndrome in a Child with RSE

The Vasopressin Loading for Refractory Septic Shock Study

Vasopressin loading may be safely introduced for septic shock. Vasopressin loading may be used to predict responses to its continuous infusion and select appropriate strategies to increase blood pressure. 92 patients were... read more

The Vasopressin Loading for Refractory Septic Shock Study

Propofol in ICU Settings: Understanding and Managing Anti-Arrhythmic, Pro-Arrhythmic Effects, and Propofol Infusion Syndrome

Propofol has revolutionized anesthesia and intensive care medicine owing to its favorable pharmacokinetic characteristics, fast onset, and short duration of action. This drug has been shown to be remarkably effective in numerous... read more

Propofol in ICU Settings: Understanding and Managing Anti-Arrhythmic, Pro-Arrhythmic Effects, and Propofol Infusion Syndrome

Albumin Infusion May Decrease the Mortality of Hypoalbuminemia Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis

Our study revealed that the lowest albumin level within 1 week after admission was independently associated with mortality in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). In addition, infusing albumin may decrease mortality for hypoalbuminemia... read more

Albumin Infusion May Decrease the Mortality of Hypoalbuminemia Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis

Dexmedetomidine Improved Sleep Quality in the ICU After Laryngectomy

This pilot study found that a 0.03 μg/kg/h dexmedetomidine infusion improved objective and subjective sleep quality in patients admitted to the ICU after laryngectomy. The dosing regimen used was safe and feasible for use... read more

Dexmedetomidine Improved Sleep Quality in the ICU After Laryngectomy

Infusion Management Software Can Seamlessly Connect Thousands Pumps Across Facilities

A newly-launched next-generation infusion management platform provides organizations with a blend of real-time views and retrospective reporting capabilities, enhancing the understanding of their infusion pump fleet and associated... read more

Infusion Management Software Can Seamlessly Connect Thousands Pumps Across Facilities

Intravenous Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Between Dec 10, 2019, and Jan 25, 2022, 1,600 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to tenecteplase (n=816) or alteplase (n=784), of whom 1577 were included in the intention-to-treat (ITT) population (n=806 tenecteplase;... read more

Intravenous Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Epinephrine vs. Norepinephrine in Cardiac Arrest Patients with Post-resuscitation Shock

Among patients with post-resuscitation shock after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, use of epinephrine was associated with higher all-cause and cardiovascular-specific mortality, compared with norepinephrine infusion. Until... read more

Epinephrine vs. Norepinephrine in Cardiac Arrest Patients with Post-resuscitation Shock

Sotrovimab Effect Among High-risk COVID-19 Patients

Among nonhospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 and at risk of disease progression, a single intravenous dose of sotrovimab, compared with placebo, significantly reduced the risk of a composite end point of... read more

Sotrovimab Effect Among High-risk COVID-19 Patients

Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling Analysis Predicts the Hemodynamic Response to Norepinephrine in Hypotensive Postoperative Patients

In patients with arterial hypotension norepinephrine increased end-systolic ventricular elastance and arterial elastance. The effects of norepinephrine on stroke volume depend on baseline ventriculo-arterial coupling. Although... read more

Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling Analysis Predicts the Hemodynamic Response to Norepinephrine in Hypotensive Postoperative Patients

Intravenous Vitamin C Administration to Septic Shock Patients

Our pilot study indicated that intravenous vitamin C did not provide significant decreases in the mean dose or duration of vasopressor infusion. Further research that takes into account the potential impact of intervention... read more

Intravenous Vitamin C Administration to Septic Shock Patients

Ketamine vs. Nonketamine Regimens for Analgosedation in the ICU

Results suggest ketamine as an adjunct analgosedative has the potential to reduce opioid exposure in postoperative and MV patients in the ICU. More RCTs are required before recommending routine use of ketamine in select populations. A... read more

Ketamine vs. Nonketamine Regimens for Analgosedation in the ICU

ERC-ESICM Guidelines on Temperature Control After Cardiac Arrest in Adults

The aim of these guidelines is to provide evidence‑based guidance for temperature control in adults who are comatose after resuscitation from either in-hospital or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, regardless of the underlying... read more

ERC-ESICM Guidelines on Temperature Control After Cardiac Arrest in Adults

Plasma Hyaluronan, Hyaluronidase Activity and Endogenous Hyaluronidase Inhibition in Sepsis

Elevated plasma hyaluronan levels coincided with a concomitant decrease in effective plasma HYAL activity and increase of endogenous plasma HYAL inhibition both in experimental and clinical sepsis. In acute pancreatitis,... read more

Plasma Hyaluronan, Hyaluronidase Activity and Endogenous Hyaluronidase Inhibition in Sepsis